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Your soul is showing.......

If you have ever watched somebody die......or near death....there becomes no doubt that we are souls and spirits living in a human shell.....that spirit fades away and leaves that shell dull and very shell disrobing it almost.....and then the spirit soars and is no longer tethered to its earthly shell.....and I feel like now as I travel, I am so much more in touch with my soul.....but also others.....saying that the eyes are the window to the soul is so true.....I pay close attention to eyes these days, and seek to be around those that have eyes that sparkle.....the ones with all the light behind them:) there is a creepy male that I need to interact with often and one of the things I don't like is that his eyes look dead to me, no light only darkness........ and even when he smiles, the smile never reaches his eyes......telling me so much about him.......I can see people's souls shining or giving me pause when I am around them.....and I guess it goes hand in hand with somebody's soul feels is shared with us when we come into their energy it dark? Unkind? Heavy? or is it light and lovely? Happy? Alive and kind? All of those things.....and I think that is why casual sex is not for me in my new single life.....I believe we exchange soul energy with people when we share ourselves that way.....and we take on other people's stuff through that energy transfer....and I get that is not the norm.....or a popular belief......especially in the day and age of online dating......and maybe too much for most people to feeling that.....and subsequently I don't judge people that feel that that is there thing.....I truly don' strongest belief is that people need to given room to do whatever they need to to walk their journey and grow......and putting people in cages.....or judging them for their choices is never worthwhile......I just know for me, it is what makes my heart and my mind and my be careful and mindful of whose soul I share myself with.......and I will remain that way, until I find him:) So now that I am spending more time seeking people's souls......and looking more deeply into who a person is really so fascinating.....there have been dating profiles that have matched with mine, and even had lots in common and the eyes have stopped me.....something I don't trust, something in them that made me back up.....and I trust it......because looking into somebody's eyes is a tell about what lies beneath......the state of their relationship with their soul and themselves.....and besides twinkling eyes are the best right:) I have seen lots of soul stuff since this very big one was with my ex......obviously I have seen different parts of his soul at different times in our lives....some beautiful and sparkly.....and some not so much.....there was one time after he left when he picked up his stuff, and we got into it some....or more I began to unleash some of my feelings and pain, and I literally watched his soul come forward and take the hits of what I was sharing, and sort of flinch back and forth.....just by words.....and I had never seen that before.....such a clear and visible view of somebody's internal self, their soul.......and I have seen it a lot in him in this process.....and the quality of our soul shines through our external selves......making peace with our soul is an important part of our lives....and in feeling healthy.....I believe that....and choosing actions that please our souls....and being in line with what we know we need to be doing, or should be doing.....and that stuff in addition to paying attention to energy and my intuitive sense....I am watching for souls....;-) and your soul is always showing;-)

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