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Writing to understand........

I took to FB yesterday to clarify my stance on love and marriage some.....and as I was doing my video I was reminded of why my blog is as powerful to me as it is a conduit of sorts between myself and my soul.......and as I take this time each morning to write, I begin to hear what lies within me more clearly......and it got me thinking that it may really be a useful tool for anybody......that maybe journaling could in fact be a powerful resources in healing and growing.....even if somebody doesn't fancy themselves a writer?? A thought I had.....I mean we certainly have heard of the power in journaling, and having it be suggested in so many different places, and there is a is like all those things in life that are "good for us" and we don't get it until we do;-) So perhaps for anybody....... writing, a little bit each morning, or whenever......would be beneficial in surprising ways.....helping to untangle the yarn......I always love that meme with the person and the therapist.....and the person has a jumbled mess of yarn up in their head.....and the therapist talks and slowly makes organization across the space of the person's yarn.....unraveling it slowly......and yeah so my writing kinda feels like the words flow from my fingers, the yarn becomes less unruly......tidier........and I become clearer on how I feel......I had therapy yesterday afternoon......should have kept FB dating guy around so I could tell him I had an appointment with my;-) so when I sat down..... I had some jumbled yarn to untangle......and it strikes me always.....that when you are wounded so deeply....."damaged" some.....I hate to use that word, but you get the idea.......that even if you are committed to healing and clarity, and working so damn hard at it all......there can still remain complicated spaces......that are muddled and confusing.....and wrought with some fear and apprehension.....despite the best efforts.....and as they surface during therapy, they always surprise therapist had been away for a bit, and so I hadn't spoken to him since my date with the dentist.....and just exploring my patterns with men and sorting through all of that.....and trying to remain clear on what I want.....what I feel ready for ........where I see myself while talking and talk therapy gets me further down the road writing pushes a similar button......using the computer as the sounding board.....and while I believe most people "get" my blog, I know there are a pocket of haters, judging my willingness to put it all out there......not understanding why I would do such a thing and judging me for it......and it is in those spaces that something like this becomes all the more important......standing in a person's matter what.....not letting the voices of others sway our motivations and our as I said in my video yesterday, I am eternally grateful that anybody at all reads my blog, and continues to do so as I spin my yarn:) Appreciative of the welcoming space I have found to do so........ Grateful for y'all:)

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