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Women's series plans!!!!

So what is it that I have planned for the series?? I am so excited for it to kick off! I look forward to meeting and connecting with whoever is meant to join me in this part of the journey:) My intention for it, is for it to be cumulative, spanning the 6 weeks......each week having us delve into topics that are relevant and can help everybody move forward.....building momentum as we go........while providing opportunities to take action steps in the weeks in opportunities to have series goers decide if any of what they have tried or learned, are things that will work for them long after the series is over:) Tangible and valuable resources and information........I have had some fabulous women step up and offer to speak at some of these sessions too, and one offer to take pictures, head shots for anybody that wishes to have that done too:) The first night of the series will be devoted to getting to know one another......sharing our stories, an opportunity for anybody that wants to......and then crafting a vision for yourself at the start of the series and receiving a journal that will be used through the series.......the second week will be self care, and I will have some people there to share their experience on this topic, as well as my own, and anybody that comes can share what works, what doesn't, and maybe what can be tried......the third week will center around mindset and so many relevant tips and tricks to overcome any places where we may find ourselves stuck......I have a lot of plans and examples that will maybe help bring about shifts and change, that may speak to people's specific situations.......the fourth week will be mindfulness and meditation and exploring and discussing topics and benefits related to those topics and how they impact our day to day lives......week 5 will be journaling and manifesting the things we want moving forward in our lives and how to get there........and week 6 will be wrapping it all up and crafting a specific vision for the future beyond the series.......a real way to move forward that can help anybody in any situation, and help propel and utilize all the momentum that was gathered over the 6 weeks, into a tangible future! The topics that stepped forward in my mind to use to make this series relevant and valuable, are ones that I know and understand very well.......ones I have seen work for so many others around me, ones that have changed my life, and ones that bring about real change, and real profound shifts........So I hope anybody reading this feels welcome to join us for this series, no matter what your can apply to so may have been written with single moms in mind.......but my intention is to help ANYBODY that is looking for something more in this life.......and is ready to make some changes in their lives and see some kind of shift happen.......and the thing that I love is that you never know what meeting new people will do for your it will change your life......just one new step outside of your comfort willingness to say yes not no.........just one can change your life! Come say yes and meet us on Oct 4th! Can't wait to meet you! You will not be sorry, I promise you will walk away with inspiration and hope for the future! See you then!:)

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