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Willingness.........or resistance..........

I woke up the the word willingness blinking in my mind, screaming in my mind? Weird right? I also dreamt about it......I was in a classroom in my dream and the kids were unruly and there was an administrator, that maybe is a combination of ones I have had over the years......and he decided to help out, because help was needed.......and when I woke up the word willingness was right here it goes:) It is actually a word I have been thinking of for awhile now.....and talking about with my one important it is to have in your spirit, and in thinking of willingness the opposite of that came to mind......resistance.....and while I have some stubbornness in me......the Taurus bull is real;-) I also possess a great deal of willingness in all aspects of my life........I am very willing to do the things......whatever those things are......and trust that in doing so, it will take me the places I need to go......and I am willing to be uncomfortable for the greater good......or willing to just deal with things as they are, not fighting them........and it really is an important skill to acquire if it is not in a person's nature......and I think in terms of my marriage, we didn't share that.......I felt his resistance in some parts......and that was very challenging for me......because it kept me stumbling and stuck sometimes, like tripping up on a huge rock or hitting a cement wall.....and he was willing in other areas of our lives but there was some deep resistance.....and maybe you are one or the other in terms of what type of person you are, as I am typing this? I know lots of people and as I think of them, while I type, I could put these two words on a chart and categorize them in one or the other.....curious right......and it isn't as if one is bad and the other is is that one makes life easier and the other makes it more challenging.......resisting something always......and having that be your first inclination is exhausting.......I have been there before too and certainly watched lots of folks I love be that way......and sliding into willingness feels better.......saying yes not no........getting to the business of doing whatever is in front of you with a happy spirit and an open mind......and being willing in your relationships......willing to listen......willing to help......willing to be open.........willing to forgive........willing on days when you don't feel like being willing.......showing up day after day.......and maybe it is one of the most important things you can do in a relationship for another to be it came to me this morning very clearly to share this word:) Like loud and clear.......and I was willing;-)

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