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Why is THIS so radical?????

I posted a meme in my story about self love and acceptance.......why is that such a radical and taboo idea in our culture?????......we talk about wanting women or I guess really anyone to learn to love themselves......accept themselves.......then we shame people that do? Or have comments, or shade to throw in their direction.....and I find that fascinating......because finding your way to finally loving and accepting yourself is not an easy journey......I rejected so many parts of myself for so long......and the journey back to myself has brought me here......loving on my kids and myself......taking all the love I poured into men in my life and turning that love onto me......and turns out it was a that unfortunately wasn't appreciated many times in this life by others......but I appreciate it.....fully......and self love isn't what people isn't giving yourself a pass for the things you isn't avoiding the deep ugly parts of isn't ignoring your isn't just thinking your awesome and ignoring the rest lol:) It is diving into all those things and more.....making peace with yourself.....changing the things you need to.....and learning to embrace the ones you can't.......and choosing yourself unapologetically over and over......treating yourself like somebody that you love.......because I bet the love you give others is pretty amazing??? Right??? Why aren't you giving it to yourself?? I guess it all came to mind for me too as Valentine's Day is creeping up.......I am coming up on another Valentine's Day alone.......and instead of causing me to feel bad about that I kinda rejoice in sort of marks a milestone in not just filling that slot with any old fella;-) and this time was totally meant for me to learn to love leave me in isolation to do just that.......and I guess since I am a loving person by nature it came naturally.......naturally to take the love that was sitting there in the wake of his leaving, and put it back on myself, finding a home for it again within the hearts of myself and my children......and I plan on showing myself intentional love for Valentine's Day.....going to a Stevie Nicks cover band show, and going out beforehand with a friend......and treating myself for Valentine's Day.....with intention......and why not??? I deserve every bit of it, and just because I don't have a person to dote on me now.....doesn't mean I cannot dote on me:) Each day I do activities that show myself that I love me.......every single day......and that has been the game now when I look in the mirror I don't berate that woman for all she doesn't do......I know those things, but instead I give her the grace and acceptance that I give all the other people in my life......and I choose to love admire her...... flaws and all.......imperfections and all.......just all of it........and in turn she gets to breathe and accept herself for her.......and you know what you should do the same for you! You are more than worth that:) Be intentional about loving yourself a little more......and watch everything else fall into place:)

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