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Hey there Buddha.......

The other night I had trouble sleeping and I was up for a couple of hours......I am grateful that doesn't happen too often anymore, but usually when it does it is challenging to go back to sometimes I will find a meditation or tidbit that helps me fall back......and instead I found a video, it was a Buddhist one, speaking about the 10 things you can do in your life to not let anything affect you, maintaining peace no matter what......and my journey up until this point has had that as a central theme....and has an "Eat, Pray, Love" kinda vibe lol;=) And my peace, now that I have acquired it finally, is paramount to me, and when stuff comes I allow myself to feel it.....let the feelings come, and then i seek to put it down.....not carrying it, or letting it poison me...... but there is forever room to improve, always......... and I was curious what was found in this video.....and it was spot on, and resonated so deeply, and I thought I would share:)

The first one is rise above insults and offenses, and not let what other's say and do affect you long term.....You can feel it, and be upset about it initially, but to really reach a place where you understand that what others do, and especially what they do to you is about them.......period.......and I have gotten so much better at that, but still fall short sometimes, when it triggers old wounds and stories within me......hurting me deeper than I would I will continue to work on it, and have for sure found that one to be powerful..........the second one is to view every person and situation as a matter what......whether it is a negative experience or a positive....and I have come to adopt that fully.....I have learned to embrace as much as I can, and use it to grow and learn......and try to evolve into more of the person I am meant to be....and even though some of what has found me has been tough.....there has been rich teaching found there.....and I have been grateful for it all as a result......the third is to never be envious, but to turn those experiences into inspiration and motivation.....using it to drive you, not make you jealous....and I feel I have this one knocked.....I don't envy a single person.....I know we all have our own challenges and our own blessings and I am more than grateful for my own:).....the fourth is holding yourself to a high standard, showing a great deal of discipline, while showing others compassion and grace......and I try to do that.....I hold myself to a pretty high standard, and have a great deal of discipline in my new life, and I have been working to offer the grace I offer to others to myself too.....but that one resonated for sure....and it isn't always easy to do when the people we love hurt us.....but it is paramount to offer up grace and compassion to our people.........the fifth is realizing that true strength comes from within and nobody and nothing can hurt you in a real sense......and I have learned some about this.....realizing that the strength I have formed the last few years will protect me from ever being hurt the way I was at the end of my marriage......I will never be vulnerable in the same way again to that kind of pain.....realizing that true strength helps us face anything that comes our way......and how important that is......the sixth is embracing life for what it is......both good and bad and not seeking to control it....accepting it for what it is.........which I have worked on and do pretty well with these days, in acceptance there is peace:) The seventh is to be in tune with nature and the natural rhythms of the world....spending time in nature, and paying attention to all of the interconnectedness found there......and nature for sure has had a profound impact on my life, and this chapter.......the eighth is to focus on ethical living.......prioritizing a life with integrity, kindness and respect for all beings.....and I forever hold that as my goal no matter what....and try my best to not get pulled into storms that are not mine......ninth is to practice gratitude....and I have been doing that for so long it is second nature now, and that has for sure changed my life......gratitude changes everything.....and focusing on blessings is the way to finding more of them always!....... the 10th is one I have recently adopted and it has changed everything......releasing the need to control, and trusting the process.....letting go of worry and anxiety, and doing my part in making stuff happen where I can and where I am led to, but then letting go and trusting.....some people think that worrying and fretting is showing that they care, and that is not true.......worry doesn't mean you is when we trust the process that the way is shown to us......I have deep faith in my life and journey and the way will appear......every day.......and I spent YEARS worrying and I just won't anymore......I choose in reading these, they all spoke to me....and made me feel like while I still have work to some areas more work than others......but I am getting adopting principles and practices like these, and holding myself accountable to them, it has been changing my life....and the thing is the relationships we have had all of our lives, or for a long time can threaten to pull us away from the growth, and the things we have learned.....or if people in our life don't do the work to change what they need to, it can threaten that too.........but we do have the choice in our response.....and I need to be more mindful of that......I wanted to share these to share some food for thought, and perhaps a nugget or two that may speak to somebody spiritual life has expanded and become deep and wide, and I love finding different viewpoints, and different lens' to see the world from, taking with me what resonates and leaving the rest! Have a great day:)

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