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Which is it?

Feeling kinda deep this morning and hope I do it justice lol:) The longer I travel the more I ponder the idea of manifestation and free will alongside our divine journey......they do not seem like they can both exist.....but I believe they awareness of how is growing some....I am sure I have written this before in my blog, but I will today due to it going along some with my thoughts this Nanna had deep faith.....she was one of my favorite humans in this life.....I loved her very much, and we shared the same birthday, and understood each other in a really special way.....and she would say Jenny, one of the few people that have ever called me that.......Jenny "Our end dates are already written on our stones by the good Lord, so there is no need to worry about anything!" And I guess when she was saying that to me I did not really understand, but it seems quite profound provided that is tru,e and most days it feels that way.....Like when my sister passed so seemed as if her life was going to be cut short...based on so many things that happened leading her spirit was not going to be here I guess in my mind, the space in between, birth and the filled with our journeying.......divine appointments.....fated encounters.....lessons......ordinary day to day life.......but I have come to feel that there are no moments that are insignificant.....even the teeny ones.....all moving us to where we need to be...and I guess my sense of manifestation comes from the understanding that we also have that little intuitive place in us.........that voice that whispers to us to make moves....and make decisions.....and take action.....and recently in church my Pastor was speaking on that some, and the idea of the holy spirit being that force was described in such a lovely way.....that undefined or unseen force that we can feel at certain points leading us.......but I do believe there is a whole realm of energy and that we do vibrate within and on a frequency.....and that vibrating and vibration is what helps attract our experiences to the chances of my marrying a king is slim lol:-) we are not quite in line with one another....... so when we look out at the quality of our life.....I think we need to consider the energy we are putting out, the intention, the words we are speaking and thinking...... and what we are attracting....and I guess how this all came to mind was by way of a picture I recently is of a chair and a dock with a view of the lake......and it is almost what I picture in my mind and visualize, when I meditate on my lakehouse retreat for women.....and sit on the dock there in my mind:) so I put it in my workout room to look at when I workout, and visualize more.....upping my manifestation game.....I believe that the universe is listening to our desires, and that the divine is helping us make a way to them....and if a dream is placed on our heart, that may be from the fated part of our journey....destiny........but the way there, comes from manifesting it with all that we are! I am fascinated by all of this, if you have been reading for awhile you know:) But I suppose as things unfold, it makes more and more sense to me, in my own little world....and I am enjoying every bit of my journey here.....even the hard parts....and am excited to see what is up ahead:)

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