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When the answer is no..........

I am learning to listen to the answers that come to me out there.......the universal answers....the answers from God........and sometimes the answer is no......even if I think it should be yes......and I have had a few things come up like that.......and I feel like a bumper car.......sort of bumping my way through life and when the movement is smooth and easy I know it is for me......and for me to explore more.....and when I feel that hard crash, I get that the answer is no......and I suppose in the past that hard bumping and resistance, would have kept me stuck trying.........not realizing that the answer is no......trying and trying for a yes......but now I do feel when it is no and when I have to let go of the idea or situation.......and most times it is OK with me.......I accept that what is mine will always be mine......what is not will never be.......I truly believe that with all of my being.......I also believe so strongly that I create my the quality of mindset and thoughts.......and by what runs through my mind on a regular basis.......and that is know that your mind shapes the world you live in.........and even more exciting you can attract even more amazing things to you by that quality.........I am working with a couple of life coaching clients now which has been fun and exciting......and it has been on a couple of different topics, beyond my niche........and the beautiful part of that, is that the coaching model is so strong and so adaptable........there is not too much that I would not be able to coach somebody fact there may be nothing. Coaching runs on intuition and leading people to their own wisdom and that can be done no matter the topic for sure....... So as people step forward, as I follow my intuition to make marketing decisions and move forward......I listen for the yes in my heart and shy away from the no.........I am doing better too at creating stuff that begins to take shape and breathe.......not fall instincts and intuition are getting stronger each day.......and I am naturally gravitating toward the me stuff......the stuff that is feels better.......the zone.......:) I just love it........I was so out of the zone in the last three years of my a bumper car running into the wall.......repeatedly........thinking I was making headway.......when the universal answer was NO.......the powers that be were shouting at me......and I just couldn't hear it......I was so invested in the outcome.......the fact that my marriage would survive, that I could not hear or see anything else.........nothing at all.....and we can really easily get stuck in stuff and then go blind......quite literally......losing our barometer.....our north star.......just losing ourselves.........and I often marvel at that time and how determined and locked in I had become........Nobody would have convinced me that what I did to save my marriage was wrong.......I believed so deeply in all of it and the nobility of it........but now I know.......I know when things feel the way they did then.......when chaos reigns the day.......when things live in a disharmonious pattern.......that is my cue to say if you are reading this.......listen for the nos.........they will save you a lot of heartache......accept the no and look for the YES:) Always just look for that YES:)

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