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Stop allowing.......just stop IT..........

This may be a sorta deep one ;-) So much of our life is subject to so many things......I am really starting to sort out all the pieces of the reality we live mindset is one piece right? The quality of our thoughts at any given moment becomes the house we live in......we have all met the person that complains endlessly......that feels terrible physically.....and we can feel the state of their house as we stand in front of feels dark and dreary......exhausting.....tiring......and my heart always aches for that soul......because so much of the suffering they endure just doesn't need to be.....could be flipped on its head so to I most definitely think our thoughts on a regular basis help to craft our reality.......I have spoken of intentional manifestation too......and what I am learning about that......and I believe that there is power in that too......sort of like next level mindset......intentionally spending time visualizing and creating the things you want in this life......the goals and places you are going.....all of it.......and being still in our thoughts.....quiet.....meditative......crafting some of our reality that way too........being truly tickle your heart grateful......gratitude was a practice I adopted so long ago, I cannot even remember now.....but it is my default place.......when in doubt look around at what you got, and be excessively grateful for all the blessings and gifts.....and that simple yet powerful practice has brought immense joy and peace into my life.......and then there is faith.....believing in the things I cannot see.....and my relationship with God and spirit......I have such a broad range to my spirituality, having it encompass so many facets of my life.....all of these things building together to craft my experience in this I feel in this world......but maybe the biggest one beyond any of these to just stop allowing......stop allowing silly things to rob your joy and peace......if someone doesn't do what you think they should, or what you would do......who cares......just stopping the art of taking everything personally......most of it isn't just isn' is other people's stuff.......their version of their reality bleeding out into the world......and if we can stop being easily offended.....we can maintain our reality......we can keep moving forward and hover right above the quicksand that is present in every day........every day there are opportunities to let the day to day stuff drag us down......deplete us.....drain us......or the same opportunity to sort of deflect it off of us......recognize it for what it is and then let that shit go:) It is never worth it......if you start to recognize it will realize there are very few things that need your attention.....need to be allowed in....but most stuff, especially the negative stuff can fall away.....and you know what, once you start not falls away completely and your reality shifts.....causing more positive light filled people to join you.....and the negativity to exit.......I am still learning how it all works......the pieces of it all....the things I have discovered......but for now this seems like a good start:) We really do get to choose much of our matter what.......even if something negative happens to us, we can always choose the response.....making it feel so much better.......each and every time.......have a great week, it is a four day one:)

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