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What THIS actually means.......

So in gearing up for this Tuesday's women's series.......I am getting ready to dive into the topic of self care.....and I know for some people when they hear this topic they eye roll and think yeah right.....I know that because I was one of them......I remember sitting in a training one time, feeling so overwhelmed by work and life.....and the presenter was trying to get us to understand how important self care is for our mental health for our health in general.....and we all thought she was crazy.....and now I am that crazy woman;-) but I suppose as with most don't know till you know......and now I know.....and guess what we all have time......I know ouch right?? We love that excuse the most, when it comes to not taking care of ourselves......I don't have time, is one of our favorite reasons.....but it is not true......I think social media has shown us that.....we all have, or most of us all have found some social media time in our day, and sometimes more than we would like;-).....if we swap some of that to dive into ourselves, and do stuff that will make us feel happier and better, the trade off would be our first week's conversation we highlighted consistency.....consistency is the MOST powerful thing I have found......whatever you do and then get up and do again.....and again....and again......pays off in dividends.......everything you ever wanted is on the other side of that consistency....that is the self care is in line with need to find the things that make you feel good and then do them consistently till you feel their powerful effect in your day to day......I have found my perfect little bundle......blogging......exercising.....meditating......sprinkling in hiking and outdoors as much as I can and boom......taking care of me:) and the effects trickling out into my life....the kind of mom I am.....the way I feel inside......the way I feel on the outside......the health I have achieved.....the space I have created to be strong enough and healthy enough to do all the things I need to do around here......self care is not one size fits all either for is a mix of things and a mix of different things for each person.......what it isn't though is a massage once a year......or something so sporadic that perhaps its benefit is felt for a minute but cannot be sustained.....we need to be exercising our self care with some really feel the result! So this Tuesday for my women's series we will be tackling just that! Ways to give to ourselves......the time management of it.....the logistics.....and go from there:) Hope to see you there:)

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