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What is Life Coaching?........

My intention is to start to work with some clients in the next month or so! It is so exciting to think of, but it occurred to me that maybe people are not aware of what life coaching really is? It is an intuitive process.......a co creative one......between two people......that helps the person that is being coached tap into their own inner wisdom and power and accomplish whatever goal they set out to is a very magical and powerful process because it gives the person a space to really HEAR themselves, and in turn lead themselves to the places they need to be......a life coach never tells somebody what they should do.....they help them to hear themselves clearly so they can make the moves and steps toward where they want to be.......clients come to me with an agenda each session.....a goal in mind......and I deeply listen to them.....hearing their heart's desire......and then by asking them questions and clarifying their agenda......I help bring them to a moment where it shifts for them and they have an aha that drives their action after that call or session and beyond.......all leading to one huge goal or small ones along the way.......have had a chance to practice some and it has been powerful for me.......and it is helping me develop different parts of myself.......taking myself out of my forever problem solver mode and controlling myself......stepping back and instead leading with questioning.......and listening......and holding space for somebody to reach their own guidance.....and lead themselves with me just walking beside them.......we needed to create a hub statement this week.....the answer to the question "What do you do?" And I have thought about that.......someday.......hopefully soon.......I will be able to say that I own my own business......that I help women find a life that they are crazy about post divorce or after any really significant life change........I help them chase them begin to dream them to become visible in their lives again........and support them every step of the way.......what a powerful thing to do right? I cannot think of anything I would rather be doing.......and my passion for doing so runs so is such important work......I think as a society we are not offering women enough opportunities like this.......just expecting them to keep going......keep running full speed.......with no time to refill the tank.....and not caring about the toll it takes on my old life........I was depleted......invisible...........tired.........sad........overwhelmed...........uninspired sometimes.......but willing to keep trudging up the hill........every day.......but it was to the detriment of my joy much of the time.......feeling like I was struggling to carry it all.....and then I would be thrown a sandbag to catch and it would tip the scales in an impossible direction.......and yet I would yeah.......I don't want women to be trudging anymore.......I want them to learn to dance up those hills.....and do it with a smile on their face.....and music and fulfillment in their hearts.......yeah so that is what I will do one day soon for a living:)

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