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What is it????? Like really?

I have been pondering this lately.......due to life circumstances, and the ebb and flow of relationships in my life......friendships or otherwise....what is it that draws us to another person making us know that they will be in our lives.....or bonding with them in a way that makes us know they will be our friend, or lover, or it energy? Is it shared interest?? it an affinity for the same things?? it our personality??......our hearts, our minds??.......And then what is it about energy when it shifts.....what causes our relationships to is all very mysterious to me.....and I guess maybe it isn't that mysterious......everything that everybody does, or doesn't do has to do with they they treat they react and respond.....and while sometimes it feels deeply just isn't......if there is one thing I have learned and taken hold of in this chapter it is that nugget......and the only power we have is to move from where we are.....move with love.....a spirit of friendship, or reconciliation, or any of it.....and how that is received is not on is on them.........but it is me......that saying "some people can hear you speak a thousand words and not understand" is with me this morning.....and then it becomes important for us to stand in our own truth.....or sometimes THE truth......on our own......but I do not think it will ever get less shocking for me to see somebody betray a person, and switch loyalties and lanes so quickly after that person was believed in so is hurtful in ways that are hard to describe.......but lots of people are not loyal I have found.....not really or deeply, that is not a trait that I find too often in folks......and when I do I am always tickled lol:) But sometimes people's loyalty is based on what you can do for them....and the minute that shifts some, so does their loyalty.......and I never believe that about people.....wanting to believe the best in each person I meet......supporting them, and seeking the same support in return.....and the other piece of this is just simple.......the entrances and exits of the people in our not by accident or by chance.....I do not believe that at all......I believe that a person has a "shelf life" in your life if you And we all hope for our people to stay in our lives for the whole be there no matter what for us......but that just isn't so.....we are meant to cross paths with the people in our lives right at the most divine time....and they have their role to play in our story and we play a role in theirs........and I suppose if they leave our lives or we leave theirs.....that too is divine.....and as long as we are moving with love in our heart and a willingness.....and being true to it all.....well then that is all there is:) Happy Friday!

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