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What if you said yes??

There are many places my blog took shape in my mind this morning, but this is in line with what I plan on talking about later, so I thought I would write about kept coming up this week in different ways.....and while I have touched on it before it bears repeating, I have some new readers:), and sometimes we just need to hear a message more than once for it to settle in......I have said many times that my power in my new life has come from saying yes to myself more......owning a place in my life....making no excuses when it comes to exercise and meditation......and the other things that feed my excuses when it comes to doing my blog, or just taking care of myself in the ways I have needed to......what if you said yes too? To one thing.....just one.......what does that look like for you? what is the one thing you could say yes to, in your own life that would shift the narrative of your life?.......change your life?? leaving yourself a year from now sitting in a much different spot??.....that meme that circulates that says do something today that your future self will thank you for......powerful:) and true!!! of the things I did in coaching that I had found helpful was to list activities that I did in the day that were in the nourishing column, nourishing to myself or my life.....and ones that were depleting.....and by the time I did that inventory I had had enough to put down that showed a more nourishing day...but that did not keep me from remembering if I had filled it out once upon a time, how many activities on that list would be depleting.......and I think most of us find ourselves there......and I think the time I have found to take care of myself is what was found in the absence of being a longer having an entire role in my life and sorta deciding to be my own wife if you will:) all that energy, time, and love being poured onto myself and my kids.....and here is the thing.....those of you in marriages that are reading, that already feel like you are running on fumes, are likely thinking how am I supposed to do one more thing.... I get that, trust me I do.....I have BEEN YOU.....I SEE YOU.......and I have thought that, I don't have time to take care of myself because I am caring for my family.....those two things are NOT separate....they aren't......I read an interesting article listing 8 habits you can adopt at any age to add nearly 24 years to your life.......they did a study and they found a 87 percent reduction in the studied folks.....I found it kinda interesting.......exercise topped the list, no opiods was next and medications like that, not smoking, good sleep, less meat and a more plant based diet, managing stress, not drinking too much or too often, and having positive social groups. And I think perhaps for me, I now understand those things more clearly, and their necessarily thinking of adding years to my life, although I hope that is the case,:) but my motivation stems from enjoying the ride while I am here.....feeling healthy and strong and having lots of energy, and less stress while I am here, and these things do that.....the less meat thing I could work on for sure:) but the rest are in line with my new life for sure, and some were never an issue....and it seems daunting to start right? Makes you tired just thinking of it? Thinking I can't do another thing......well that may be true, and feel true, but to find a better and healthier life you have to be willing to swap and leverage time.....and start by just saying yes to one thing.....when I work with clients that is the starting point.....just say yes.....and then say yes tomorrow, then yes again....and watch a healthy habit form.....and you will find that some of the depleting activities that maybe were not so beneficial fall away as these others have said no to YOU long enough.....just say yes:) Happy Saturday:)

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