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What if YOU COULD???

This book I am reading on mindset, is helping to change mine around some stuff I need to:) Funny how that works;-).....and when I was talking to my Wyoming friend this weekend we talked so much about that....both of us feeling on the brink and the edge of breakthroughs in our respective businesses, but knowing where our minds are holding us back.....and both of us knowing how to harness the power found that....using it many times in our lives and showing others how too.......yet.......we were feeling a little stuck too, there are so many places in our minds where we can become stuck for sure......and part of it is in dreaming BIG......we are trained in our lives to cap our dreams, or pull them more "achievable".......or "sensible" dreams.....etc etc......but the truth is.....I believe with my whole heart that we are all limitless in what we can achieve in this life if we go after it....and that the only limits we have are the ones in our minds.....that is truth.....two of the quotes that hit me in what I read yesterday were "An excuse is nothing but a challenge that you've given your power to".....and "How determined you are, determines your outcome." Two simple but profound statements......and I believe and have experienced them need to fiercely run full speed at the things you want....believing deeply that you can achieve matter what it is........and I used to cap my dreams, opting for the more "sensible" ones........the "logical" ones......the "smaller" ones.....but I am not doing that now........and as I was reading the chapter, my kitchen popped into my head.....and how the finishing of that seemed "impossible" at a certain no way to be found......and I had to bide my time in the dreaming and scheming of it;-) and it is arriving......and in the grand schemes of dreams that is a small one sorta, but significant.....and large for a single mama making her way:) my BIG dreams involve books I will write, speaking engagements I will do, and a lakehouse retreat center that I will run, offering solace, light and hope to those that have found their way to my path.......and so it WILL BE:):) and the executing of them all requires dreaming big......not allowing anything to stop me.....and to have what we have never had, we indeed need to be brave and do what we have never done.......and that is where I am right now.....right on the edge of pushing myself into uncomfortable places to move myself to where I want to be.......I have a women's series on a larger scale nudging at my heart.....a fall retreat at my place......and........a course I am wanting to create, alongside the finishing of my book! So the order of the day is to not let anything stop me.....remembering that my determination does determine my outcome......and my determination has always been fierce indeed! That Taurus bull that lives in me lol:) Happy Wednesday everybody:)

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