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What do you believe?

Belief is maybe the most powerful thing we possess.......but belief is a slippery slope......wrought with deception and half truths........that is if we are telling ourselves our negative stories.....but if we face our beliefs, our self limiting ones.......the ones that start in "I can't do that"......"I could never do that"......"that isn't for me"......and if we can face them and challenge those, that is where we can find the what do you believe? What do you tell yourself in your day to day? What story ya spinning? I had so many in my once upon a time life......that I didn't have time to exercise regularly.......that I could never be fit......that I could not get up at 4 or 4:30 to accomplish any of that........that I was supposed to be tired and exhausted in my day to day, wasn't everybody? That self care was a time with kids.......Hanging in and going through ups and downs in your marriage are normal, even if they bring some suffering......that everything works out if you just work hard enough at it.......and the list goes on and on.........and most of that, just isn't true.......and I have been struck this year by how much of the stuff we tell ourselves just isn't true.......and the key is to catch yourself.......I don't fall into it too often these days, I truly believe most of the time that I can do anything, I put my mind to and accomplish it, if I make a plan......but when I do backslide into the destructive narrative......the negative rhetoric inside my head, I choose now to stop it dead in its air doesn't get my attention and I don't entertain it.......because all of our power lies in our beliefs.......they drive us every single day.......if we believe it, it becomes our reality.........our beliefs, our words, become the house we live in......that is so what house do you live in? It is a great question to ask important to discover what we are saying to ourselves every day.........and then when adversity comes to find you.....what is your belief about that?........not always easy to stay present in it........and not speak in I never....or I always........nobody nevers or always usually......and those absolutes hold people we need to challenge it all......every bit of it......and normally I meet it now with "why not"........why not me? Why not? And you know what that question will set you free......there is not a good negative rebuttal to that question.......there is not a reason why it can't be you.....accomplishing or experiencing......whatever desire comes to find you..........I never plan on returning to the prison of my beliefs.......the beliefs I had acquired in my life along the way somehow......via other people........via my experiences.....via I have no idea how.......I have shed them and am replacing them with beliefs that don't limit........don't diminish my life......don't shrink it.......I am looking for beliefs that help me me believe in all that is possible in this great big world.....those are the ones that get my attention now! I hope you find your way to those too and ditch the other ones:)

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