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What do people think that they deserve?

This question comes up over and over.....I would like to say that I am unique, that the horror that has visited my sweet family is rare, or that it barely ever happens to anybody.....unfortunately that would be a lie.......misleading in every fact perhaps the opposite it is true, it happens WAY MORE than it ever WAY more people than it should.....changing them forever....affecting the trajectory of their lives.....making them a different version of themselves for better or worse.........and I think it comes down to a fundamental question.....What do people think that they deserve? Why do you feel you deserve more than your spouse, your children, all of it.....why are your needs so much larger, so much harder to meet than everybody else's..... so much more important than the sacrifice it takes to be a parent and raise young is remarkable to me.......especially when you had a nice life....a loving life.....a beautiful life......but felt that YOU somehow deserved MORE than anybody else.......or so you thought......but unfortunately when a beautiful life is not ENOUGH........nothing will ever be enough......the issue lies within not without.......there will never be anything that fills the an endless black hole, just a restless yearning for the next thing.....the next fix, the next urge to quench the thirst....... in an endless quest to quiet the is an illusion for a dog chasing its tail.....seems attainable....but yet..........however apparently the world is full of others, tons of people that think they DESERVE more.......or something like that.....and in the process leaving a wake of broken hearts and broken spirits......broken families.......tremendous destruction.......and I could have easily joined them and allowed this to break my spirit, just held my breath and went under the water......... let myself drown.......whatever it is inside of me that will not allow something to sweep me away is something I am SO grateful for.............something I have desperately needed through this time.....I read some of these women's sad posts and wish I could share whatever it is in my soul that is driving me with them.....give them some through the computer screen to use so they can stand tall.........take away their feelings of inadequacy, of worthlessness, of feeling "less than"...... their internalizing of another's actions, their inner turmoil......I wish I could calm it all for them......and tell them.......girl you are more than enough.....what has happened DOESN"T HAVE TO DO WITH YOU......get up, wash that face, love yourself the way the world loves you.......YOU GOT THIS! What has happened to you is tragic, truly unfair and utterly heartbreaking but it is not YOUR STORY, not the end of your is the BEGINNING! .........and now YOU GET TO DECIDE the life that YOU WANT, GO GET it and don't look back...........that decision starts with you.....I know that now......that secret needs to get out there for all the other women that are walking in my shoes!

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