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What are yours???

Moments of impact I mean.........I heard that recently and it spun me in a philosophical way,, so stay with me;-) The notion that our lives are ordinary and random day to day moments......or maybe not so random and ordinary, mixed with moments of impact.......moments that change the entire course of our lives......and actually as I type this both movies I watched this week were about that notion......the choices and moments that lead us in our lives......what are yours?? What are the moments of impact you have endured in your life??......or what are the moments of impact that brought immeasurable joy and love, or immeasurable pain and sorrow??......I think that is what it was all getting at.....and if I think back in my life I can think of some places where there were those moments of impact that changed the trajectory of my huge as getting married and having babies or losing a loved one, or as seemingly benign as meeting somebody new and making a new friend, or having a conversation that changes everything......or making some life change based on circumstance......and all that resides in between......a new job......moving to a new place.....enrolling in school.......falling in love, falling out of love, battling a health challenge.......losing a job.......losing anything that matters in your life........learning a new skill.......learning a new hobby.......crafting a new habit.......just so many.....and I guess when I think of them........if I made a chart of the last 46 years......I could highlight the big moments of impact in my life......but could also think of so many small ones that changed the course of my life......small things that moved me in big ways.......and I guess this morning I am asking you to think of yours too, hope ya had your coffee;-) and I am never less amazed at the symphony that I feel our lives are......we all individually seem so small.....but I don't believe there are any "ordinary" moments.....I believe they are all sorta moments of impact......entering and exiting our lives just when we need them to, to propel us in the direction we are supposed to be going in......we get to choose for sure.....but I believe it is a magnificent symphony behind the scenes.....playing its beautiful music.....even during the parts of our lives that aren't so pretty.....or listening to a piece of music that suddenly gets dark and dramatic and tension filled.......then eventually levels out again....yeah like for me......moving forward now that this has occurred to me a deeper way......I will be more mindful of all of them......that is one of the gifts that has found me is a slowed consciousness.......a true awareness that we are consciousness.....spiritual beings......having a human experience......not the other way around:) So my life and my awareness has slowed down to allow me to take that all in.....and I intend to continue doing just that......;-) Honoring my moments of impact and being mindful of where they lead........

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