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What a day!

I had written yesterday about having a big day ahead of me yesterday...and I am still fighting off some kind of crud.....but I have the upper hand.....although I should not complain at all....I have been blessed to not get sick all year....some kinda miracle considering my 4th graders and my own kids lol:) So I will keep fighting this off and hope it doesn't take hold.....but I didn't let it stop me yesterday....I got up early and got some stuff done, and then we had the women's business meeting here....and there were 11 women, my lucky number;-)......11 fierce....committed brave business ladies about town.....and I loved that some of them came as strangers....and were brave enough to step out....and the energy was just minded ladies in the same spot......and we all shared some about us and our whys....and all of them are fiercely committed to their calling, and their mission so to speak....and I shared my story.....and got emotional for the first time in a long time.....pricking a sore spot that surprised me, but being able to convey my vulnerability in it all, which I am never sorry about, and think is so important........and my story came out the way I wanted it to, and it is always cathartic.....and then I was so touched.....there was a woman there, that I admire and respect deeply.....and have known a long time....and she saw me as a patient with Gabe when he was a baby, and she gave the most beautiful endorsement of me in front of the other women.......talking about how I have always been this way.....and that she was so impressed with the grace and gratitude I showed when Gabe was small, and so sick, and so challenging.....and she was so impressed by all of it....and it made me cry more lol:) And it touched me to have her take on me all those years ago, and I admire her and respect her opinion so it was all the more sweet to me and touched my heart.......and all of it just FILLS MY the most extraordinary way......this is right where I am supposed to be.....and it just feels magnificent, to be walking my path so clearly and comfortably.....and so it felt like a beginning.....the beginning of something really special....and it will help us all move forward in our businesses.....and I just loved it......and then I headed to my date! We hiked....and it is a funny story....we have been texting for over 2 years, I know right lol:) Not consistently.....but just at certain points....and he has known about my challenges in dating, and my thoughts and reservations about it all....and just kinda hanging waiting for me to be ready.....and it felt like it was time to make a date lol:) And it turns out it was....we had a lovely afternoon......and he took me to a hiking place by him, and it always delights me to see new woods.....and we have a great deal in common and enjoy each other's energy....and sorta feel the same about our single life.......and life in a lot of ways it seems........and about our it feels kinda good to have somebody get it the way I we have plans for another date and it was a success! So that was lovely too:) And there is not a day that goes by.....that I don't count my blessings....and am not keenly aware of the gifts I have been given on this journey.....and that I get to live THIS has been a magical ride so far on the other side of D day...... and I cannot wait to see what is next! :) Happy Sunday!

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