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Well......then there is MAGIC!

I am fascinated by life the longer I live....all of the days, and the story they weave into the fabric of our lives.....and some days are sucker punch tough.....where you just don't see it coming.....and then......there are days......that are pure magic......yesterday was a day that the three of us will never forget......likely as long as we live:) Our boy did it, he did THE THING!! THE THING he set out to do.....while we were getting ready and I was helping him shave.....I told him that maybe he would not win and he had to be prepared for that....and that whoever won, he needed to congratulate them and be happy for them.....he said I have to win mom, I worked so hard for this.....and I told him that I understood that, but that that sometimes isn't enough.....and whether he won or he didn't, I was so proud of him for going after it......and the cosmic juju was on his side and he won indeed:) The sun was shining.....the mood in the air was lovely....Gabe showed up all dapper and stuff, his suit fitting him perfectly, and was greeted as we walked through the stadium like a celebrity....that is how it feels to escort Gabe......lots of fist bumps and remarks about how handsome he looked.....and they were all pulling for him.....and it touches my heart so that Gabe's community loves him so fiercely.....I too felt intuitively the title was hi,s but I wanted to temper that with the rest......I was sorry his dad missed it.....I had intended to invite him to walk with Gabe and us....but recent events showed me that there would be no possibility of that so I didn't.......I encouraged Gabe to invite him if he wanted to.....and the three of us have become such a unit.....that it seemed fitting it was just us.....and that myself and Mads were Gabe's escorts.....but I would have been plenty willing to have his dad is in those spaces that the reality is felt so deeply......when I saw Gabe's joy at being announced as the Homecoming King it brought me to tears nearly immediately......he was over the moon......and it touched my heart in the deepest places, and was so so moving.....and as I have said before.....his dad is the only other person that really knows how far Gabe has come, and he chooses to not share in any of that with me anymore......and we absolutely could.....if other things were not as they are. A healthy co parenting situation as divorced folks, on the same page as our kiddos.....but I accept it as it is.....and despite feeling the pang some, it did not diminish the sunshine that just shone down on my boy so so fiercely was like walking in a dream.....I have been blessed with a few days like that in my life...ok maybe a bunch.....but a few of those standout kind of days, where everything bends to your favor.....and there is no room for aggravation or strife because the magic is too strong:) My heart is still bursting and so full for my boy today! HE DID IT.......ALL BY HIMSELF.....made a goal, dreamed a dream, chased it, and was his! He got into the car after the dance last night excitedly telling me about all the girls he danced with;-) And that it was the best day of his life, and he would never forget it:):) Me either my boy! Amen:)

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