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Well dressed lies......

I have learned along the way that people project so much of their stuff onto us as we travel along.....especially in the face of truth.....when you are attempting to share truth with them....stark and naked truth that projection escalates.....and so much of what others do has everything to do with them....we all know that right???....and learning to stand in my own truth amid all of that, has been another huge gift that these last three years has given me....I can hear my own truth so loudly, and know who I am so fully that nothing can rattle that any longer....and I so feel for my old self......being subject to the narratives that were created for her endlessly......fighting to hold onto her truth but having it easily rattled by what others felt and said......and I posted a funny meme about creepers in your inbox for the single ladies yesterday, and it was met with some slight male hostility in response which was poking their I was speaking about them....or it was personal........or I should just be grateful for the creepers since I want a man right?? lol Like really??? I ended up taking it down because it wasn't worth the back and forth....but it was a reminder to stand in my truth.....albeit a small example but you get the idea.....and I have been able to do that in bigger situations too....knowing EXACTLY who I am and what I want in this chapter and putting up those boundaries making others uncomfortable sometimes.....because some people would rather live a well dressed lie......than faee the truth.....and do the work and be uncomfortable to face and overcome that truth.....and what a shame right?? of the things our marriage counselor had said, was that my ex struggled with was my being a mirror and holding up the truth for him to look at and for us to look at....and he had trouble doing was too much.......I guess some people don't want to look at the facts or the truth of a situation.....but I do......there is not one part of me that wants to live a lie, never again....not one....and I remember reacting so intensely about that at the end of my if this is not the real deal then I don't want it.....and I still feel like that about my life....committed to living in authenticity and truth.....every day no matter what.....and I know that choosing that will cause others to fall away.....and I am OK with that.....because I only want fellow authentic folks at my side these days......ones that want to live in truth and not in well dressed lies.....and are brave enough to live in their truth too! Amen:) Happy Saturday!

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