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So awhile back I had written about Mads and her struggles in missing her dad, and wanting him to come home.....and being frantic to have us all be together......and obviously that is an impossibility in every way, so my solution to try and ease some of that for her, was to suggest the kids have dinner with their dad on Wednesdays in between the visits......I also have meetings two of the four Wednesdays after school, so I felt it may be beneficial for us both.....even though giving up any time with them is not something I ever want to do.......and it has helped her......eased her homesickness for her dad.....and she has come such a long way this school year.....her separation anxiety is much of what she was battling, she no longer is......she has grown so much this year in so many ways.....and it makes my heart happy for them to be happy.....and if seeing their dad each week helps her, then that is all I need to a couple more hours have freed up in my week on my end.....and when I have meetings it goes fast.....I pick them up around 7:30.......but I was thinking of trying to place intention on my Wednesday nights now......doing the things that make my heart happy in that space.....take a walk with a friend, a hike, if the weather ever gets its act together;-) and recently I saw a hip hop class offered with my girl Cruz! I have always wanted to try that and may just be checking that out too! :)Yoga ended up not being on Wednesday night.......but the options are endless......and when I think of is about the intention......intentionally choosing something......placing it somewhere.......and moving accordingly toward it......and then repeat......I read an article the other day about the morning routine and why it breeds success in a person's life.....and obviously I feel that......but the author was a psychologist and he talked about habit stacking......which I have written about before....and I love that term.....and find it so true......and it is exactly how I got stacking one habit that is good for me on top of another......till I now have a pile of them:) but his suggestion for folks just starting out was brilliant, I thought......he said to begin with the "low hanging fruit".......choosing the easiest thing to taking a walk each day for a small amount of time......or doing a short meditation......or anything......just small......and then be consistent and add to it when you are ready.......I could not agree is how my morning routine has taken shape......started with my blog.....and back then I used to exercise after work.....until that eventually found its way to the morning.......and then I added habit at a time, till they build up! So that is why I mention beginning to feel a habit forming on Wednesday too......and maybe it will be different ones......but just something.......something that I place consistency and intention on and watch grow:) Hip hop sounds so fun! And I would love for that to be a part of my and fulfillment are found in the small choices we make......despite our circumstance......each and every day:)

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