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War stories..........

We all have one right? Some story in our lives that impacted every bit of us and all we held dear. Stories that shaped us in the fires they brought into our lives......and in that space, the space within ourselves that survived those stories, comes our understanding of who we are....was thinking the other day how important it is when we share those stories with each other......I am not much of a small empty talker about light stuff, if I can help it;-) .....I enjoy really getting to the heart of people and hearing what makes their heart beat and the light come from their eyes......or why they look so sad or feel so heavy.....what has come to find you in this life that created that inside of you? I truly want to of my friends came Saturday night, while the kids were with their dad, and we talked for 5 hours.....and it was like a blink.....and we did just that, sharing ourselves and our stories and that is what I am interested in in this people arrived at the place they are.....their spot in this life.......I think for lots of people it is hard to share that with be vulnerable in that way and speak their truth.....and it always hurts my heart for those folks....makes me sad that something happened that felt they needed to close themselves off or retreat within.....or shy away from their true self in some way.....truth is we are all human....with a story, or many stories we carry in our hearts that break our hearts.....and it is in these stories where we can give people the chance to understand us better.....I am beyond grateful that my inclination was to put my story out there as soon as this all began....even though I wasn't sure how it would be received and it felt really vulnerable......but in doing that and choosing to try my best to be as authentic as I can muster most invites others that come into my path to feel free enough to be themselves be brave and share their hearts too......when I started college I was a psychology major.....fascinated even then by the human condition.....even though I had played school all of my childhood thinking that I would be a teacher......but then in college I was tutoring a friend and she ended up doing well on her test and I got so excited at her success....connected to her accomplishment and changed my major to education.....which was the right decision......but my love of the human mind and learning what makes people tick.....never left me.....and at one point I thought I may try to become a therapist or a school psychologist.....until life coaching showed up and seemed the perfect balance between teacher and psychologist.....a sort of in between, where I can cheer others on........hear their war them not get stuck in those war stories and instead find their own voice to impart wisdom to themselves...and use those stories as fuel to propel them forward in their lives.....finding a life they are crazy about:) Each day I step closer and closer to that dream!

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