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Vibes and tribes!

I felt like last night's women's night was equally as lovely as week one, another woman joined is interesting because I have so many women that have messaged me and then not come so far....and I know how that goes.....there are barriers to stepping out into your life and going to a strange place......not sure about it, and sometimes it is easier to stay I am hopeful as I continue to be out there growing my flow, that I will have more and more opportunities to get in front of people and help them......but for now I am so grateful for the ladies that have joined me, more than grateful....the ladies that have come week one and week two.....a good sign I would say:) And I feel like your vibe does indeed attract your tribe......what you emit is your frequency, and it attracts what/who is supposed to be in your life.....I believe that......and I trust that......I am at a crossroads in another situation in my life, and I have been hopeful that a person could stay in my life, because I care deeply for them....... but it looks like maybe that cannot be......and I wonder if it is a natural letting go as things change and evolve, and my wanting to have it remain is not going to be......cannot fight the forces at goal for my life to only have genuine people in my life, people that have my best interest at heart and have my back.....are true in every sense......and I feel like the rest can fall away.....I won't settle for less....I need people in my life that have loyalty that matches mine.....ride or die.....all the way....I do not want to be questioning.......... any longer in this life.....for any reason......if somebody has my back.....those days are done......and I have marveled before in my blog about the many new people I know now, and have met in the last two years as a result of my evolution.....some that are already so dear to me.....and really interesting people with beautiful stories.....that care about the things I do.....that are blazing their own has been so exciting to cross paths with all of them.......and I am eternally grateful for the friends I have kept in this too.....the ones that have stayed true blue to me......evolving alongside of me......and understanding my journey from day one....just loving me and being there every step of the through this women's series.....which was my hope......I see a new tribe emerging.....some new women in my life, ones that I am learning from too......ones that I feel like have such value to share......and ones I look forward to connecting with week to I trust that as it continues more women will join the tribe.....move out of their comfort zone and step forward......coming to see what it is all about.....what little nugget of information they can take with them to brighten their week......or to move them forward in their the meantime I totally trust that if I stay true to myself, every minute.....every step......that I will continue to attract who is meant to be in my life and the rest will fall faith in that each and every day.......:)

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