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Valentine's Day plans......

I spoke with the imaging place yesterday, they have been waiting on all my records so I can schedule my breast biopsy......and the coordinator thinks they will be scheduling it for Valentine's Day.....and you know what it is act of self love, on a day devoted to love, seems fitting......choosing to get a biopsy to be cautious, due to circumstances, and family history a loving perhaps it is not the plans I would have chosen for myself lol:) maybe more the romance and love variety ;-) but it is just fine......I am taking myself out for Valentine's Day this weekend, when the kids go with their dad, to see the Gypsy concert at the Milford theater with a friend......treating myself in honor of the day......and planning on enjoying myself.....the truth is I do not need somebody to lavish me with anything on one day of the has never been my thing.....desiring gifts or things like that......not that I don't like treats and gifts, but you get is never my primary love language......I have many others that are way more important.....and want my love or my lover to speak those to me every single day of our lives.....not just on February I am honoring it, by being intentional about taking myself out, and showing myself some love......and then on the actual day going to ensure my health is where it needs to be.....and it really is peaceful in my heart.....feeling love in your life in your day to day is indeed much more important, than a grand gesture- or even a small gesture on one day.......and it is all those things that matter most, and I have come to find really do.....the more I turn inward and dig deeper, the less concerned I become with material fixes and things.....I think my Taurus will always love beautiful things, beautiful spaces, clothes and shoes;-) etc.....but it all doesn't feel as important to me as it once did.....the depth of human connection......of soul connection.......of love......of real......of authenticity......of truth.......of loyalty......of hope......of faith......of gratitude.......that is where it's at for me these days......depth......richness of life.......profound moments.....magic........none of those things come from a store;-) so Saturday I will be rocking out to a little Stevie, getting my music on, another passion....... with my friends, and enjoying being in the moment.....and Tuesday I will likely be getting a biopsy and trusting the outcome......and knowing each and every day that the power to love yourself ,trumps the power we give to others to love us......self love sustains.....even in the storms.......especially then.......

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