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Universal truths......

I have been marveling lately at the truths that have come to find me.......playing out in my own life.....things I have heard for years or written on memes lol.....but never having really heard human nature often humans it is hard to hear good advice sometimes, or implement what we should be doing beyond our own understanding at any given point.....and that is just so true......but the cool thing is once one of those truths makes its present known in your life, there is no mistaking it or forgetting it.....there are so many I have written about and spoken about in my videos.....things that finally make sense to me.....have made their message clear within my heart and mind.....and things I will now forever know as I travel the rest of my life......and some are harder to really implement despite our knowing them to be true.....I have a few I am working with like that now.....things I know I need to implement regarding a situation I am in, but that I am continuing to battle some.....but I will....I know I will get long as the awareness and understanding arrives, that is half the battle:) Yesterday I did a video about one yesterday, one that is so true and powerful......if you want something you have never must do something you have never done......simple right? Like really simple........but don't we all complicate that.....either trying the same broken paths toward the things we want.......or giving up and not trying a new path.....or not even trying, just wishing......a goal without a plan is just a wish.....that is one of my favorite sayings too.......if you don't slap intention onto your goals and dreams, and create a way there it isn't gonna happen;-) But when you do, the way starts to make its way known.......and by choosing things we have never done, but know work by other's examples, we can accomplish anything we wish......I believe that.......I had a co worker that got pregnant in her late 30s, and I worked closely with her...... and it was right before my ex and I were planning for Mads.....and watching her pregnancy before mine.....helped in my belief in all of it.....that it could be me too......and then at 40 boom there I was too.....she also was somebody ironically that worked out at 4:30 in the am, and helped me believe that was possible too;-) it took some time but here I my point is that if we want certain really want them.....we have to do certain things......and do them over and over until we get there......wanting to feel healthier and not making any new moves toward it, won't change it....and sometimes old ways no longer work, we all know that....what worked in our 20s or 30s, just won't the willingness we need to push beyond our limits and try a new path is what makes that path grandmother would often say little sayings.....and we were so used to it, we didn't always pay so much attention......but I get her now and understand what she was trying to convey to us:) Enjoy the day y'all! Find a new path toward what you want! Hoping to get into the woods today after I deal with some leaves;-) Enjoying the warm weather and sunshine!

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