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Unexpected blessings..........

They make the world go around right? I think they surround us at all times in life and we don't always see them.......I know most of my life I have felt blessed......feeling like I always was blessed with what I needed in my life.....whether it be an opportunity.....the means to accomplish what I needed to, the people I have needed to come into my life at each stage of my is sort of something when you think about it......the well orchestrated dance that becomes our lives.......I don't believe in accidents in terms of the things that come into our sights.......only opportunities......and in some cases our destiny......sounds dramatic right? But I believe that as the opportunities enter our shapes where we are headed and what is meant to be......and I suppose as I have begun to really pay attention to my gut feelings on things or the things that nudge me and speak to my heart......I find tiny doors all over the place opening up........and the things I leave behind fading in the all of the sudden there is a synergistic surge........and they are all small things that could lead to bigger opportunities, with a couple things that feel like big things that could launch the life I have been seeking......I guess my point is there are unexpected blessings that take place in our lives on repeat......and it is up to us to see honor them for showing be excited about what they have to share with us......and maybe these things are here for a brief help nudge us or move us along, or maybe for the long run.......we just never know.....but each of them I believe has something to share and something for us to learn from it.....I think about the last year and all the new experiences I have had.......and the new people I have come in contact with......and all of their roles in my life have been very purposeful......feeling really meant to be all of help lead me to the next breadcrumb......I have felt from the beginning of all of this that my path is lighted.....and it is in my finding my way to the next lighted stone.....that the path becomes clear.......and helps me find my way......and it is funny when I hop on a lighted stone.......there is an awareness that washes me over that helps me know that whatever the experience is that is that lighted stone is one I am supposed to be is so interesting......and I am just going to keep hopping from stone to stone.......and seeing what each and every blessing has to offer my walk........and enjoy the journey!

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