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Under Surveillance

Yesterday was my skin check up......I had an early melanoma removed when Gabe was 2 and at the time I was petrified.....full of fright and worry.....and when you read about is not a stretch to feel all of that and Gabe was only two so the worry was magnified.........and it was a mole I had all of my life that betrayed me.....turning funky after I had Gabe.....and when they removed it they discovered it was the most benign melanoma a person could have....stage 0-1....super early........and they removed it and I have a deep scar on my shoulder from it.....reminding me of the gift of life:) Of going to check ups, and following gut instincts.....because I had told the doctor the year before I had that mole removed and biopsied, that I wanted him to remove it and check it.....and he told me it was fine.....and indeed it wasn't.....and having it off sooner may have caught it before it changed at now that is the space I live in.....getting my skin checked, and knowing with certainty that I will know if something needs to be checked.....and insisting it is always.......and I know I need not worry that I am covered with freckles....making the suspicious ones a little more challenging to find.....wishing they would blink if they are:) but I trust it......because during Covid I found another that "spoke to me" and needed to be removed and that one too was problematic......and a different doctor tried to talk me out of having it checked and I insisted.......and in that case it was right before it turns to very fortunate I insisted:) And again a large scar on that same shoulder reminds me of the grace of God and the trusting of it all......because the truth is I was TERRIFIED way back then, the first time.....and I decided that I could not look over my shoulder, and fear it all, and ruin my life waiting on another skin cancer.....and so I didn' was one of the first bold moves I made to stare fear in the face and just say NO......knowing that I could not control I have gotten more mindful about sun....I don't sit directly in it often....protect my skin .....take good care of my skin.....the dermatologist commented on how amazing my skin was tier compliment from a dermatologist lol;-) so that felt good.....and I wear sunless tanner or bronzer from time to time to get a little color.......because I am ultra white when I am au natural lol:) and I get my skin checked.....yearly....faithfully and keep an eye out in between....paying attention to my body and knowing it well......and yesterday she took two freckles from my thigh to check out......not feeling as if they are any concern persay, but ones that were darker than the rest some......and I trust it all.....I am not worried or all.......I am choosing faith and the timing of my journey, and what is meant to be.....and the divine wisdom that lives in us when it comes to our health, and taking care of ourselves.....I have made all my doctor's appointments for this summer, catching up.....doing all my yearly stuff.....gyno, mammo, colonoscopy, physical, blood work, my endocrinologist.....and all the kid's when school comes we will be all checked up! :)And ready to roll:) So when it comes to living under surveillance.....I accept it and choose faith....I choose to believe in divine guidance and my intuition, and trust that I will know when a part of my skin needs to be checked....and that it will be OK always....and continue to live! Because somehow stuff like that tends to make living that much sweeter:) So get your skin checked y'all:) My PSA....and protect it from the sun! :) Have a great day!

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