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Today's gift.........and conscious living

It is a snow day today, and boy do we need it. It is a welcomed breather......catching our breath.....I have some things I need to address and am grateful for the day......this year has been so challenging for teachers......the effects of the pandemic reaching far and wide.....and it seems there is no end in sight......and the amount of issues left in the wake of it are not going away any time districts and staff are trying to patch holes and figure out how to come back from having today to relax some is welcomed......I even was able to fall back to sleep.....doesn't happen too often:) the space of my morning being such a sacred willingness to get out of bed in those early hours to accomplish what I need to for the day to sustain me through the challenges that come......was talking to my therapist yesterday about how truly alive I feel......and that it is hard to convey to people, or maybe have them believe it......but truly I am......and I am never giving it up......the new passion and zest for life that I have found is such a game changer.......and I want other people to find it so desperately.....and I try whenever I can to convey it to somebody.....because it can be for everyone......there were times in my life where I too felt so energy gone......with no hope of doing all I do now......and there has to be a way for people to arrive here without having to endure what I did......or if they did endure some huge life shift, that I can help them in both is such a good feeling to feel this way on a regular basis......healthy mind body and spirit......and excited about every moment of the journey, even the mundane......just loving every bit of my today's snow day......just a day to help me work more on accomplishing what I am setting out to.......even the concept of many people have given up on that concept.....I know I had......figuring there was no space for dreams in my day to day life.......that getting through was likely enough.......loving your husband and family......having a good job.......doing your best.......which are all noble and amazing things.....but there is SO much more to this life......and I think when we connect with the gifts we have been given as we come here......and the gifts that we are given along the way.....the connection of the two can really propel us forward, and help us take the exit we need to to arrive on the cosmic highway......I love that term......I have a friend that I talk to sometimes, who is also fulfilled in her life in the ways I am, and we talk all things meditation and purpose and she refers to the cosmic highway all the time......the place where we find our zone and life becomes a little easier.......because we are tuned into what is for us.....not fighting for stuff that isn't......or drowning out our intuition......and when you do that life becomes this magical and easier place......not so many battles or confusion......was doing this amazing meditation.......and it talked about following our good feelings in this life......when something makes us feel good and aligned we know we are on track......and when those anxious and other feelings creep in......we need to be mindful of what they have to say.......spending time in meditation allows me time and space to connect to that inner place that really listens deeply to how I am feeling.......being mindful of what circumstances are bringing what to today it is as simple as a snow day........recognizing it as a gift......using the day to work toward some of the things I am looking to accomplish as I move forward.......and just feeling blessed, blessed to feel super ALIVE and wanting to share that gift with as many people as I can:)

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