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Today's eclipse......

Today is a full moon and an eclipse! Some potent energy for sure......I have noticed the people around me, and my class is feeling it too lol:) And ME lol:) I have written before about my newfound love of astrology, and my deep fascination about it.....and as the energy comes and I work with what themes are popping up for me, it becomes even more fascinating! I have learned that as I feel stuff coming up.....both light and heavy......I have become better at listening to what it is.....what is cropping up in my thoughts and consciousness....and the cool thing is I will feel something now, and be able to confirm that what I felt was coming up, was what the transit in my chart was about......I know that for some people astrology is hokey, I get that...;-) Totally..........and accept it is not for everybody to understand......but for me it is a piece of spiritual life that goes hand in hand with my deep faith and all my more traditional God's guiding system for our lives, written in the stars and the planets:) I am doing Gabe's chart next and she had peeked at it......and all of the sudden in discussing a little of it, I was hit with the beautiful implications that could come out of reading charts for special needs folks.....because your chart revels the inner parts of you, the stuff that the special need sometimes covers.....and in Gabe's chart it indicated he doesn't "feel" emotion in a traditional sense.......he more perceives them....sort of like he is operating on a higher level of consciousness......which I have always felt around him.....but had trouble putting words to it.....and it is true.....he cannot feel an authentic emotion in a way you or I when he becomes sad.....he will say all the right things.....sort of mimic it......but it isn't connected in the same cannot really see is kind of hard to explain......but if I am sad.....even slightly......he will look at my face and ask me if I am OK......perceiving that......he rarely super rarely......and his main state is that joyful happy state we see.......he does not go through the whole gamut of emotions. Like there are some I have never seen in delving into his chart when I get to that, will help me know the inner workings of him in a way that being his mom won't:)......I know Gabe maybe as good as I know anybody......he and I are fiercely connected.....and have been from the first moment I saw him......but there are definite blind spots......ones covered up by WS......and just in my brief check in about him......I am wildly excited to learn more......I guess he has no water signs in his none.....which is rare....... when she reads charts if that is the is of folks that have trouble feeling what others feel......and have to sort of intellectually imagine it......they have articulated that to her.....that they can only attempt to imagine how somebody feels not actually feel it themselves.....and Gabe is like that.....except there are other indications in his chart that show his intuitive perception of others and their more to come with this indeed lol:) I can't wait to dig deeply into my boy......but as for today, hope everybody weathers today's HUGE energy well and discovers what is meant for you post the full moon and eclipse! Lunar eclipses versus solar ones mark endings to things in your life that no longer serve pay attention to what wants to go and release it........Hang onto your hats y'all lol :)

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