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Today IS the day...........

I have that posted in my classroom and it is related to their math facts, and that today is the day they pass the number they are on;-)......but for me....... today IS the day I embark on a whole new path in this life, I start Life Coaching school tonight! My first class and I cannot even express my excitement! It resonates so deeply with me, and where I see myself headed in the future, it is almost hard to feels like putting on comfortable slippers....ones that fit really well and slip on easily....nothing about me choosing this in my life feels forced, or feels like the next destined step......and I cannot wait to see where the staircase leads.....I am dreaming BIG for this business I am about to build.....I have huge goals for it, for myself and my children......I have a commitment to giving it all I got and really making a go of it.....and one of the things that makes me most excited about it, besides the helping others piece, is the part where it will challenge me and grow me in ways that I want to be challenged and of the things about the last year that has been so rewarding, has been my growth and evolution beyond myself and my limits.....pushing myself, being uncomfortable, being forced to move beyond my comfort zone and hang in the abyss surrounding that is now my home.....I feel more comfortable outside of my comfort zone than I ever have before, and I seek out opportunities often to hang there.....or when a situation I haven't asked for shows up to do that.....I let it......and see what is found there.....and I have to say it is TREASURES that are found there:) I am glad I was shoved by the powers that be, beyond the walls I had around myself to keep myself safe.....the same.....protected.....and had to find my wings in the space life coaching will not only bring me the opportunity to stretch them find their path in that space, but it will also allow me to push plan for this next half of my life and until the end of my life is to never stop growing personally or seek opportunities that challenge my belief me another me see something in a way I had never thought as I think of tonight and my anticipation and excitement.....I am keenly aware that I could not have arrived here....without what happened to me last January.....being inspired to help other what brought me to this moment in time......which is profound and feels destined somehow......divine.......heartache and human suffering can most definitely be a catapult, if we allow ourselves to accept it as such......I feel like I crawled into my catapult.....tears streaming down my face.......closed my eyes.....and allowed the Universe to pull that thing back, and haven't looked back since:) Once the tears stopped and my eyes opened it has been a marvelous ride, with the most unexpected and fulfilling ups and downs, one I would not trade to be in this exact spot:) Today IS the day I change my life:) YIPPPPPPEEEEEEE!!!!!!!:):):):)

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