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Today is the day.....

I have it posted in my classroom on a is for the kids when they do their math facts. It is a visual reminder that this day will be the day they will pass their test....and they love it and it helps to shift their focus toward a moment in time. And as I was looking at it yesterday I was mindful of what it means to me and through this journey living in the now and being present is a gift. I wrote about it early on but I think my journey to staying in the day has evolved some and deserves another look......because damn it is hard to do all the time.....or hard to maintain.....and maybe it always will be? But I am committed to grabbing my hand and leading myself back into the moment if I begin to stray down the path.....because down the path is wrought with what if, with unlikely realities, with anxiety and worry.....but when I catch myself and grab hold, and gently remind myself that all we have is this day. The one we are living, and in this day I can do all things that are required of me, that I need to do, that I want to do.....all of them. And I have found if I catch myself, make a conscious effort to be mindful, to pray, or lay down my worry and stress, amazing things happen. A lighter space takes hold and takes me over......I get to enjoy more, I get to be present, really present. In a hike, a workout, my kids, my life. We live in a world that is distracted by nature, social media pulls us into all sorts of spaces in time but the moment is king.....the conversation we are having, the eyes we are looking into, the breeze that is blowing, the sun that is shining.....and when I feel overwhelmed feelings threaten my peace, I breathe......just breathe......and it resets my record.......brings me back to the now......the power of now, it is legit! Reminding myself that this moment is the one that matters not moments ahead that may or may not be real, or may or may not happen.... So as I have said I have shared some of this before but I feel we all can be reminded of the present moment and it's power in our lives, especially in the world we live in now. I think that because my life is full of things that threaten that peace in the now, or are clamoring at me to challenge whether I am committed to this or not, I get to practice a lot;-) and as I practice my "now" muscle strengthens. I know myself well enough to know that I may never master this skill, never win the "power of now" battle every single time, but I can certainly up my batting average and win most times. When Madeline was born I was really good at it. I knew she was my last baby, so I soaked up every moment, really breathing it in. Smelling her delicious baby smell every snuggle session, marveling at her milestones, enjoying it all......Truly .....being a 40 year old mom of a newborn definitely has its perks;-) and I am grateful my instincts took hold to do that.....such treasured this may be a lifelong quest and life's work for me to do, and that is ok. Anything that requires much of us normally come bearing gifts that are worth it, every time! Hope you all have a good day, and enjoy the moments of your day, fully and in a more present way:)

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