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Today is a return to "normal"

So I write today's blog with a little mixed feelings, because now we are contending with the wildfire smoke, which is so wildly crazy to me.....that it reached us all this way....but it was incredible yesterday, especially as the day progressed......and it makes me feel for the folks living with it right in their back yards :( It must be so challenging........however today will mark a return to life pre Covid for me at school......we are hosting our Sing n' Synch at school! Something that was started to showcase kiddo's talents that may not be in the arena of chorus or band....but those kids that loved to dance and perform.......and it started years ago and then abruptly stopped during the pandemic.....and today we all get to dress like rockstars! Fun right?! :) And rock out to the Sing n' Synch! Being an elementary teacher is challenging but also so fun, and days like today are the days we revel in.....we did this lip synch for years pre pandemic.....and then just like so much else it stopped......and last year we likely could have had it, but the year was such that there was no energy to resurrect it.....surviving was the theme of the day ;-) BUT THIS year returning to this event was in order! The last week of school is always challenging....hanging on through it, amusing the kiddos the best we can, and riding out our final days of the year! This will be a good way to come together as a school and say goodbye to this year! There have been so many times this year....where in a moment I will be appreciative and grateful that we have found our way on the other side of Covid and pandemic was so so now in hindsight hard to believe we survived it all, and add to it all my ex husband leaving me during it all......well was now when I get to see kiddo's faces.....their masks hiding all of that away......or children working closely social distancing......all of it.....not ever taking any of it for granted......because it was such a strange time.....such a strange time.....and what struck me yesterday as I was driving home after that strange smoke and fire, and all of us talking about that at that when Covid happened we all banded together.....when the world stopped....when we suddenly went home......and began teaching from home on a moment's notice.....we all helped each other from our homes.....supported each other......big zooms to hang out with each other was all so lovely in the weirdest of ways......a time I know none of us will ever today we are gonna rock out! We are gonna revel in our freedom to unite, in an assembly, mask free and let the good times roll! I am excited and can't wait to watch these kids do their thang;-) Happy Wednesday! Enjoy the day:)

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