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I have learned this past year that so much of our lives is timing......and if it is off it causes a chain of events to unfold in a different direction......I sometimes imagine life is like a book you read when you were a kid.....a choose your own adventure one....and on the page it says if you want to go here turn to page 43 and if you want to do this page 50......and while I believe a path is set for us.....I truly do with all of my notion in life has ever rang more true in my while I do believe in destiny and fate and a path set for us in this life......I also believe in free will......I believe that if you make a choice in this life it can lead elsewhere, especially if you are not leading your life with your heart or your gut.....your free will can cause you to detour and go the long way around........and maybe thinking back I did that too.....maybe I could have found this life sooner? Maybe? gut was yelling at me at certain points and I was quieting it with rational thought.......with the promises of my marriage and family being in tact driving me........but my heart knew long before that Thursday night that I should go........that my marriage wasn't the place I could thrive and grow in this sad as that makes me.......I had a powerful exchange with a psychic at the women's night.....and we talked about forgiveness........and again was a message I was ready to hear.......needing to hear.......and ready to take a look at........and to me it is amazing how things step into our vision like that.......and all around us the universe is speaking to us.......nudging us........through our FB feed.....often signs come up for me there by way of memes or powerful guidance in random circumstances.......and I think most of all it is the people that come into our they step forward they bring lessons for us.....but timing isn't always right .......just the timing of the message perhaps......or the lesson they come carrying.......the other thing about timing is it cannot be cannot force anything in this life to work......and when I think back in my life, when I was attempting to do that my life was difficult.......wrought with drama and complications.....and unease.......and turmoil.......and as I have stepped into my I have learned to listen to my heart and my intuition I have learned to trust the journey......the road has smoothed more detour more bumpy more potholes........just smooth sailing.........and does that mean that I think adversity will never find me it doesn't.........but it means to me that I have somehow figured out a way to get onto the right where the timing makes sense......where the sun is shining........setting and rising on the horizon beautifully..........and the stops I make feel very much my own........I felt so strongly that Friday night was meant for me......the moment the event came up on my feed......the moment I got the nudge to reach out to Lisa and ask to be a part of it......that moment......and all the moments leading up to it.....and the moment I was standing there and sharing my heart........and it is all timing........we cannot force it.....and if we do we are shown pretty readily when we are wrong about our as I type this I take a deep breath......let gratitude wash over me.......and know that what is meant for me is always meant for me......and the more I practice patience.....and don't give into cheap detours......the faster those things meet me on the road.........

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