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My 4th graders this year......

My class this year may be the most unique I have had at Bushkill......and perhaps that is fitting as it is my 20th year there...... they are super energetic, with a ton of strong more than 1/2 of them have that strong leader vibes in them;-) .....and they are all super neat kids.......they are a mix of gifted kiddos, and ones that have an IEP for learning support, and some in between.....and it has been a challenge for me to keep the higher kids high, and growing, and growing my other kiddos too......strategic differentiation....and intentionally looking to do that....and I have done a good job so far.......we are all data driven these days....schools.....looking to see if kids are moving in the direction they are supposed to....and I don't mind.....I don't mind that we are keeping tabs on all of that....I have learned a lot over the last 20 something years as to how to address the needs of my students, and help them be successful overall......and people need to understand that teachers are carrying an incredible load these days.....making up for Covid challenges, and holes in their students understanding, even more than usual..... and making up for when these kids went home, and then learned in such strange ways, in so many different ways.....and from different places....however my 4th graders this year are the last crew affected by that.....they were kindergarteners when they went next year that part will be out of the equation.....and the impact for the classes my last couple of years has been different in each one.....depending on where their education was would have made a fascinating study.....truly.....but education as a whole needs to be looked at......not at a school level but at a state level.....and beyond....and until we do that, the challenges we all face will continue......our society and technology and all of that has had massive changes, and our education system has remained much the same as it has always been.....and it will take a herculean effort to revamp it enough to make a difference....but as teachers we have no power in that part....the power we have lies in the impact we make in OUR own classrooms.....with OUR students....and that is where I focus my energy......I am doing my best to do that within the system I am given.....doing my best, and letting what I cannot change go.....just like the rest of my journey:) Today I have a student teacher starting too....and I will do my best to offer her an experience that will inspire her to continue to live her dreams too.....I look forward to walking some in her life too..I am doing a fun project soon with my kids that they are excited about.....I am ordering this kit I saw....the class can publish their own book......and that is our plan! And I was trying to think of what we should do....what our book should be about, each kiddo gets an illustration and a page of text....and their parents can buy it too:) We get one for our classroom! So I decided on a "time capsule" theme! Years ago I had one of my classes write a letter to their 18 year old selves, and I gave it to them when they graduated and they LOVED I decided that was what our book would be about.....a letter to their future selves, as their current 9 year old selves....and telling them all about themselves, and what their lives are like now....and what they wish for those futures selves....and I think it will be so fun.....the kit is free which is amazing....and it is a way for us to have some fun! The truth is........I could probably write the next 50 blogs about education and my thoughts....but I would be preaching to the choir.....I think we all know that things need to shift....and I hope I see that in my career....and maybe I won't.....but admiring the problem and complaining won't change a thing...... I have committed to making any small changes, or big ones I can within my own classroom that can help.......and choose to enjoy it every day....The other day I was teaching and I had three kids make that "oooohhh I get it now" sound and some say it lol:) So I told them all that that IS the moment that lights me up, the one that puts my feet on the floor every FAVORITE.....and they loved hearing that......I told them I love when they shine their light bulb light on me:) I have always wanted to be a teacher....and living that dream is never lost on me, despite the challenges I is a gift to my life! This class has taught me a lot this year and stretched my craft for sure....and I am looking forward to seeing where June finds us! And seeing our published book! :)

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