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THIS will kill you......

I suppose I should say, due to the fact that I have some new readers to my blog:) Which by the way thank you so much.......I am so grateful to all the folks that read it each day.....both old and new, it is so appreciated! SO to that end I feel like I need to say this before today's blog clarify for the newer folks....the things I share in my blog, or the lessons I try to pass along, don't come because I have it all figured out.......or because I have always known these things.....they come on the heels of living on the other side of them......of living in their opposites.....of seeing the detriment that the before held.....and today's message is no different......yesterday for Father's Day I was going through pictures.....and I found a picture of me in the beginning of this where I was beginning to feel better about myself......and the heaviness and craziness of living under his affair for all that time, and feeling so awful about me, was starting to lift.......I had been running for a couple of months by then and feeling better some.......but even in looking at that picture, and a picture from the other day, it is clear that I look younger, healthier, and happier in the picture from the other day......two years later......and I have felt that many times, feeling younger each day as I continue to care for myself......but what occurred to me yesterday, in addition to the power of exercise, and making consistent healthy choices, and the impact on our that the secret is also stress management......stress IS A KILLER.......and letting it run rampant will eventually catch up to us in all areas of our lives, and wreak havoc if we are not careful.....I know it was for me....and it wasn't only doing so in how I looked was more present in how I FELT......old.....tired......uninspired......overwhelmed......sad....all of it.........and I now know it was killing me.....albeit slowly......but I have no doubt that if my marriage continued, under the weight of all of those things, my health would have suffered greatly, more than it already how do I manage it now? Because can stress be avoided? NO it can't......but the power we hold in it is in how far it gets to get into our space......I protect my space, big time now.....I don't let other people's energy or challenges consume my energy, and I don't let the stress in my life do that either.....I have learned to be there for people, but not get my energy caught up in it....that is where feeling depleted comes in.......if something happens that is "stressful"......I acknowledge to problem solve it if I can......and if I can't then I lean back and trust......and know that it will work out......often letting it go........if I can't do anything about it, it needs to not be allowed to ruin my peace......I didn't feel overwhelmingly stressed one day at work this year.....not one....and there were certainly things to be stressed about.....but much of it doesn't matter, it is the importance we place on it.....and the way in which we perceive it, that gives it power......letting most things go is where stress dies too......if it doesn't matter I don't let it matter.....if that makes sense......I do my best to only pick up the things that do.....and even then I don't allow consumption of my do I get upset sometimes still, and feel stress......sure.......I am human indeed! ;-) I am a work in progress;-)BUT here is the difference.....I am conscious of it, and committed to being mindful of it.....and I have insulated myself with self care.......working out......meditating.......good sleep......etc etc.....and so it serves as insulation against the day to day stress and big stresses.....and I have plenty of both in my life......I just take a deep breath and is the fighting of what is in our lives where stress breeds......if you are railing against something you cannot change chances are you are feeling stressed.........I am fairly certain my theories hold water because I have felt both stressed with no place to put it all, and not stressed very much at all......your body is your home.......the only one you have......and you DESERVE to feel good living in it.....mind, body, and spirit.....and it starts with you......taking care of YOU and being responsible for the level of stress you allow.......and how you respond to it.....if you find yourself endlessly lamenting about something you can't change.....that is a good place to start.....shift your mindset on it and take your power back in it.....and take those awful feelings away about it too! Embrace what is and let go of what isn' is truly 10 percent what happens and 90 percent how we respond.......we have the power to eliminate much of the stress in our lives regardless of the life we are living.........I really believe that.....and in turn it pays dividends to us......feeling younger......looking younger......feeling healthier......happier.....more peaceful.......the list goes on.......I hope you have a great Monday and let go of something that you can't change......offering solace and peace to your soul:) Happy Monday y'all:)

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