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This weekend......

It is Friday, we made it;-) I have to say this school year is FLYING by.....kinda at a scary pace....the days seem long, but the weeks feel short! Today we have "Disco Day" so I get to wear this 70s go go dress I got years ago for a lip synch we did at school for the kids, it comes in handy sometimes lol:) The kids are with their dad this weekend.....and I try hard to fill that time with stuff that I don't get to do normally......mostly seeing friends or hanging out and sometimes just hanging by myself....I think tonight I will just chill on my own and decompress.....tomorrow I want to hike, and then I am hitting the town for grown up Halloween with a friend:) It should be fun! Sunday the kids are coming back mid afternoon, because we have a Halloween party on Sunday night:) Mads is Dorothy, Gabe is the scarecrow, and I am the lion:) There is also a lunar eclipse on Saturday in my sign of Taurus, that has some planetary influence for me that may get a little interesting, so I am curious how that will play out...... I was talking to my astrology friend again the other day about what learning about astrology, and understanding it better has done for really has made me much softer and more understanding of others....realizing that we are who we some degree....... and it has caused me to look more deeply at the core of what I share with others, as opposed to surface stuff .....and it has freed me in so many ways....accepting the energy that comes, willing to work with it, grow from it, and not fight it......just roll and accept, and see what it is sharing with me....and I am so much more in tune with so much of that now, and now I wonder how I navigated all of it before, when I felt more unaware of it.....because we all feel energy right? The days that feel heavy, and we feel like whew glad that one is over......or the days that feel as light as a feather.....but I know that it all guides my life.....alongside my faith, and that surrendering to it all to some degree is the way for me.....trusting the energy that comes and goes, and trusting what it will bring to I am hoping all the weekend plans go off with a hitch, and the eclipse is kind to me and not too dramatic, lunar eclipses can bring big change to your doorstep;-).....and I will do my best to enjoy, and trust and savor the moments this weekend brings! :)

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