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THIS version.......

I love is one of my downfalls lol:) Probably all the words.....I just love language, and words, and sentiment, and the list goes on;-) But I saw one the other day.......and it said the door won't open unless you are the version of you that needs to walk through it......and that is so true......there have been many versions of me in this at the core.....but then different versions evolved to stand in the chapters of my life......and a door opened this weekend that needed myself, and another to be this version of us.....and I see that so clearly now....even though at many points it wasn't clear.....and I have lived lots of parts of life attempting to open doors that were not mine.....or ones I wasn't ready to walk through yet.....and have felt the difference between a door that opens easily, and one that isn't ready to be opened, or one that should remain this door opened finally and easily, and I am standing on the other side, inside this new room I am reminded of the power in paying attention to how things feel in our lives......and being mindful of that.....this weekend changed my life ......the how remains to be seen......but I am a different version of me now again, and evolved further to where I am supposed to be it feels...and releasing resistance and fighting allows for the space that needs to open up.....and life is an really is.....and it is meant to be LIVED.....not in fear....or in what ifs, or any of is meant to have us be brave.....and step forward in that space and seize it.....and I moved for many years in playing it safe.....and letting logic lead me.....mostly.....and I think there is a place for that no doubt......but I think there are times in your life when you need to take a chance.....a chance that may change your life.....and for me that was what this weekend was about.....and my life changed....and I trust that as it is shifting and changing some, the version of me that is needed to live in this chapter will be there too.....the truth is I could write a book about this situation in my life.....and I just may sometime:) It is a beautiful and fascinating story, and so much more.......And will certainly blog fully at some point about it......but it has been a story that has been unfolding, in its time.....not my time......and this version is ready to see what I see.......Happy Tuesday! Enjoy the day:)

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