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This really is NONE of your business........

I was somewhere yesterday.... and one of the women that is friendly with one of my old friends, one of them that got ugly with me in the aftermath of all of this,..... was there......and this woman when I see her now ignores me, and is chilly as well......believing whatever narrative that was spun for her......and I get it, her allegiance lies with my old friend......but it is so so misguided.....all of it......the narrative my ex friend believes, and the reasons she believes it all......and where her current allegiances lie......just all of it.....but my point in even shedding light on it for today, was because it surfaced......but also to write about it, and have it serve as a reminder that what people think of none of our challenging as that can be, it is rock solid is one of the lessons I have taken away in all of this.....what people think about us is an internal projection of them.....filtered through their lens.....and subject to all sorts of things.....and to live a happy and peaceful life, the requirement of that, is to release the opinions and thoughts of others about who we are......I read awhile back, and think maybe I mentioned it in a blog.....that we are so many different people to all the people in our lives.....and none of those people are the people we believe we are.....crazy right??? And I think as I am typing this it is why we most enjoy the people in our lives that make us feel the closest to the version of us we believe we are?? Or our best selves?? Maybe?......The people that mirror the person we are striving to become for us.....and help us, and inspire us to be them.....but the truth is no matter how far you travel, you will forever remain a version of you to somebody that is foreign........based on their own stuff.....and it used to be hard for me.....I used to want to speak my truth, and defend my position, to impart reason to those people......because there are a few of them......that I know about it.....there may be more undercover;-) but again none of it is my business.....and while I wanted them to understand....I knew early on it was futile......the resistance in them so deep.......and what I needed to focus on was me....and my business was speaking my truth.....remaining authentically myself.....answering the call for my life......knowing that those that were meant to understand that would, and the ones that weren't would fall away.....and leave my experience and life now.....and that is exactly what has happened.......people will always spin a narrative of people.....and I have found the positive people tend to see people in a positive light, and the negative get the idea......And I say none of this to discount the deliciousness I feel when somebody "gets" me......nothing like it:) And I will always seek those people in my life, and treasure them.....and appreciate it! But I will also surrender to the fact that what people believe about me overall, is none of my business.....and as long as I strive to be honest, and me, every step of the way the people that resonate with that will always be enough:) Happy Monday!

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