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THE realization that will change your life.....

I was wondering about this the other day.....what makes the close people in our lives turn on us....or come out of left field and switch lanes......I have some friends that have had some stuff come up for them recently, and I myself have experienced it too.....and it is hurtful for sure when you love on people, and truly care for your people, and it is spun in a way that does not honor that.....or who you were to these people.....and the narrative that has landed within them......its origin unknown......some foreign force making them believe stuff that just isn't true.....and I know somebody that had a horrid example of betrayal happen to her within a friendship, and it has affected many parts of her life....and she is still so angry and consumed by it.....and while I understand so deeply......that that kind of hurt runs is absolutely in the letting go of it that we are free.....people are only going to get us and continue to resonate with us from their vantage point, and internal plight......and trying to make them, or trying to impart wisdom into that space is just is......what people do has to do with them....and when they are being ugly, aggressive, and hateful.....then that is about them too.......the longer I live the more I understand that......hurt people hurt people......and the not taking it personally part is where the power lies......I have written about this before.....and I felt I should today due to somebody I know dealing with it.....and I am sure there are long as you know who you are, and what is in your heart then the rest is noise......I have also said it is great when somebody really gets you, that is the best! But the right people always come a calling....and the right people stay.....and as you grow some people can't stay in your story....and a telltale sign is when you try and rectify a situation maturely, and with love, and are met with resistance.......and anger, and an unwillingness to mend fence.....that is the cue....because at that point you can speak a thousand words and not be learning this so painful as it has been at certain points has freed me.....I do not allow anybody or anyone rob me of my peace and happiness....and that is what I wish I could offer my friend that is going through it.....a way to find that peace, and not let it consume her as it breaks my heart for her......when people show you who they are, they are not worth that kind of power in your life.....they just aren't......and I do not mean we should not work through the feels...we should....feeling that hurt....and going through it........but then we need to let it go......just let it and them is a trap anyway to concern yourself with external distractions and noise.....the real power lies in focusing your power into your own life, improving it and moving it forward, and focusing on those that you love and love you....and that has been working pretty well for me so far:) Peace is divine:) Another form of wealth indeed! Have a good day!

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