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This lesson on repeat.....

I have written many times about my awareness of surrender and just leaning back and allowing life to unfold some.....I don't mean not taking inspired action.....or not following our intuitive guiding system.....I just mean surrendering in it all some.....and letting stuff flow to where it is meant to.....trusting the journey completely.....and I have gotten SO much better....controlling all the things or trying to.....used to be a thing for me....feeling like if I held on tightly enough, and tried REALLY hard, well then something would happen or work out.....turns out that is not true....and a colossal waste of my precious time and I have gotten better at defaulting to letting things go.....and trusting that what is ahead is for me....what makes itself known in my day to day is mine, and what isn't will go, or eventually do so.....and it is a powerful place to live....and one I am so grateful I have arrived at.......but it STILL challenges me sometimes....and I wonder about that....where does the challenge come from? it my humanness? it my desire to know? it the more cerebral part of us?.....the thinking part....instead of the spiritual and feeling, and soul parts of us.....I don't know......but when my awareness of this lesson and principle threatens to fade and have me forget all I have learned.....I lean harder into it.....reminding myself and relief washes over an guess what Jenn it WILL all work it should, nothing to fear or control......let it all go:) And I think I proven it to myself on repeat...........seeking to not fight it all, or fight my way through....just floating......and allowing.....and working on intentionally visualizing the stuff I want in my life, and releasing the rest.....but we all need reminders.....yesterday morning I was in the garage getting an armful of drinks for our lunches....and my big robe got caught on my daughter's fully caught.....and the scooter started to roll causing a momentum strong enough to pull me down....I scraped the top of my foot and knee.....and initially I felt those fighting feelings in resist the fall, or what had instead I switched gears for a moment, and just laid on the floor of the garage....taking a moment....a breath, and collecting myself before I got back up.....and I guess as I type this, it is a metaphor for my life the last couple of lessons knocking me down some, seemingly out of nowhere.....and then getting back an unexpected surrender and acceptance on repeat is the way to happiness and truly is....and when I forget that those things are what becomes threatened.....we are so good as humans at thinking we know how things should look, having expectations.....and really it is in the allowing of things to be as they are, no matter what, and then the things we seek arrive:) Hope this spoke to somebody's heart today, I know I needed the reminder too;-) Make it a good one, enjoy:)

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