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THIS is pretty amazing!

One of the gals from my women's series shared a Ted Talk in our group and it was was about the benefits of exercise that were being shared by a neuroscientist, and it was focused on the effects of exercise on the brain.....and just have been writing, and talking, and sharing as much as I can about the benefits I have found in daily exercise....wanting to share it with others as much as I can....but to have some real science behind what I have found, felt super exciting to me:) Her name is Wendy Suzuki....and she is a neuroscientist that stumbled upon these benefits through her own journey....finding that exercise can elevate mood, help to alleviate anxiety and depression, increase focus within our brain, and thinking power, and ward off, or delay illnesses of our brain.....better energy....focus.....attention....mood.....and she found that it is the single most transformative thing that can be done right now for our the short term, even ONE workout can flood our bodies with all of the hormones and neurotransmitters that increase our mood instantly for hours afterward......and a single workout can help you focus much better even up to two hours later, enhancing your brain's ability to do so, also improves your reaction times......being able to react and respond more quickly in the short term following exercise........she also shared the long term effects..... that it creates new brain cells in your hippocampus causing not only better memory but more brainpower......and the more regularly you exercise your mood boosting benefits last.....and the most exciting thing she shared was that as we exercise we strengthen our brains to be more resilient and able to fight against mental decline as we age, and protect us against cognitive can speak to nearly all of those things......I will say unequivocally I have experienced mood elevation from regularly working out.....that stays with me most of my day and beyond.....and it is part of what keeps me going back for more lol:) I definitely think that my ability to focus on the tasks I need to have increased, as well as my reaction time............ that was interesting to hear her say.....I have joked around about how quickly I have been able to react a few times to catch something that was about to fall a jungle cat lol;-) .and to know I am doing something that is not only good for my body and health but for my brain too, feels really good.....I cannot say ENOUGH about how exercise has changed my every way.....transforming it completely.....and I will never go without it...or stop sharing it with is one of the most powerful and FREE things we can do to change our lives in every way! If you want to check out her Ted Talk it is Wendy Suzuki and "The brain changing effects of exercise on our brains."......I was so glad that it was shared with me! Now get out there and exercise some lol:) It will change your day and if you keep it up, it might just change your life;-)

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