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They just aren't.......and it is OK

Sometimes........people turn out to not be who we thought they were.....and sometimes people in our lives are exactly who we think they are......this is what I have come to is painful to see a person without the lens of your love for them anymore, after they show you who they really were all along....but it is also OK.....because we are all riding our own journey, being who we want and I guess sometimes need to be in any given moment......but then there are people who just show up endlessly for you, no matter what, and they are consistently themselves always.....I spent some time with a friend last night, the kids are with their dad......and she is one of my ride or die friends.....and I am so very appreciative for her.....always there for me.....and the loudest way to love a person is to love them as they are......make them feel like all of them, flaws and all is more than celebrate the things in them that special and magical, and accept them......and I have come to learn that those are your people......the people that love you no matter what.......and with this friend it is that that I appreciate so much about her, her acceptance and love for me, but I also love her is joyful, and grateful ,and fun......and she appreciates life in the ways I do......and accepts people the way I do......and it got me thinking about perception.....that is so much of our experience here.....what we perceive.......and sometimes I think in certain cases, we create a person and perception of somebody in our mind......and sometimes it just isn't is a figment of our imagination.......and other times we are spot is curious to me how we can be wrong sometimes, even if we can trust ourselves so deeply in our lives, and other times we are right.....and here is the thing......I always think it is worth looking for the good in our people......seeing the good.....celebrating it.......and letting the chips fall as they may......always......even if sometimes we are wrong about I most definitely seek to be with people in this chapter that are authentic, and show up for me as I do them......and it seems my life is weeding out those that are not in line with that desire naturally.......effortlessly......and for that I am grateful:) Things are going so well and I am grateful for what is coming into my life.....blessings, some ladies excited about taking the collagen elixir I have been taking and starting it too! I am picking up some coaching clients....and just moving along in my mission, all the while being loved on by the people that are meant to be loving on me:) I am a grateful human for it all......Think I may head out and about tonight and see what I see;-) Enjoy the weekend everybody, it is gonna be a gorgeous one!:) Happy Saturday, make it a great one! :)

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