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They are EVERYWHERE!.......

I have come to believe that the Universe and God is speaking to us in nearly all of the moments of our moment too minute.......and if we listen amazing things are found in that conversation.....for the longest time...... and still.....Dragonflies come around related to the loss, and passing of my sister....and when I see one, under a certain circumstance, there is a feeling where things get still, and the sign makes itself the background falls away and the sign remains.....and now that same feeling and phenomenon happens regularly and often to all sorts of ways......I have written of the numbers that have been chasing me since all this began.....mostly 11 but I see all sorts of repeating numbers and often at key times.....I have come to see them as signs, but also as spiritual support, like high fives or fist bumps;-) I also have recently started seeing crosses everywhere and last night I was driving home after dropping the kids off at their dad's house for dinner......and I was deep in thought about so fading in the background of my thoughts, and my eyes were drawn to my rearview mirror..... after my sister passed she had a cross that I have had tied to every rearview mirror in every car I have ever owned since she has been gone.....and I was lucky the salesman spotted it around my rearview mirror, when I just bought my car, because I would have left when I looked up I saw that but also a dragonfly that somebody had given me, and the words inscribed underneath said......"let your faith take flight".........and it was a timely message.....the rest of the world falling away.......letting me know that message was for me......custom designed:) and as I get better at listening, and more open to receiving, more comes my direction......I did reach out to my astrology gal about that planetary juju that was drowning me the other day, and through that text conversation a potential solution for what was plaguing me stepped way of following my intuition to reach out to her.....and it is as simple as that......we need to be intentional about learning to listen......or being able to listen to the wisdom that lives in our souls........I truly believe life is a divinely orchestrated symphony........all the players and moments taking their turn to make the music of our lives....and sometimes the music is melodic, smooth, and lovely.....and sometimes it can feel as if it is dark, and the instruments are clashing a bit.....but all of it......ALL of supposed to be.......I have seen two cardinals the last couple of days too.....they are so beautiful, so much so they cause you to take notice......and I feel that was a sign for me too.....due to its rare appearance.....and while I don't always know the message fully....when these signs or nudges come.....I pay attention to all that is surrounding them, what was happening at that moment....what I was thinking......all of it......I am excited to continue to hone my skills, and become better and better at noticing these things.....and communicating with the powers that be in a way that helps serve me on my journey......leads me.....nourishes me.....helps me build my faith so it can always take flight, each and every day:)

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