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THESE 5 things.......

I shared awhile back something cool I had read to boost your vibration and how you feel in your day to day and in your life.....and keep that vibration up......and it is funny when I come across some of these is stuff I have learned by default on this journey I have been it resonates deeply with me....and it delights me some that it is indeed "a thing" in some circles and in some places, if that makes sense? Like what I am learning through my life's experience is confirmed to be a way of sorts, a way to the places I want to go:) So I was listening to a video the other day.....about manifestation....and I believe deeply in our power to "manifest" the life we wish alongside my belief in our divine path, and the meant to be stuff....because free will is also something that I believe in, deeply.....and I guess I have come to believe that following our intuitive nudges is the way for all of it.....I work at manifesting the life I want.....being intentional when I meditate on the things I want in my life....and I suppose it is not all that farfetched to think of? Our mind is a powerful thing.....a place that can take us to amazing places or be our own worst enemy.....I have experienced both.... and in my 20s my mind became a battlefield of sorts, me versus it....and as I type that, and thinking of what I know to be true now....I think it was perhaps a lesson in harnassing it all....because my mind has always been an active place, a powerful place for me....and I have had that confirmed in my chart....communication if you will being a huge part of mind....and lots of thinking lol:) Sometimes in the over category;-) my challenges in my 20s I believe stemmed from not being able to manage all that was going on internally and in my mind and letting it all get away from me some....and as I have walked my path, I have become much better at that:) Finding outlets and places to release my cerebral communication need lol:) And harnassing the power of my mind.....making peace with it, friends even:) And it feels so much I digress, I apologize:) So the video I was watching was talking about the stuff I have a way to manifest the things you wish to come into your experience in this I thought I would share......the first one is pretty obvious......visualization.....I spend a good deal of time, when I meditate visualizing it all and the life I am walking terms of my new professional goals and mission etc....and the details have evolved, and for sure have come into more focus as I spend time doing that.....and my imagination has always been present, since I was a little girl, and has taken me to the grandest places:) Mads talked to me the other day about feeling her imagination and loving it when she was playing with her one friend:) The second one I don't use often, but am going to add it..... is affirmations.....affirming what it is that you want.....writing them down, and saying them daily as a way to train your subconscious to believe it, if some of your subconsicous may not quite be there yet! So I plan on typing some this morning, and beginning to use them daily alongside the rest! The third is gratitude....and I most definitely have found this to be true for at least a choose gratitude in the face of everything that comes to find us.....the good, the bad, the culitvate an attitude of gratitude to weather it all, and then watch as life shows up with more to be grateful for:) So important! The 4th is inspired action....and I have really come to learn this one.....taking action based on an intuitive feeling or vibe.....a universal nudge if you will, a divine push, and make a decision or action based on that that moves you forward.....following that path to your dreams and goals.....and the final one is one I have learned perhaps most of all......and that is surrender.....surrendering to what is happening.....what will be.....trusting that what is for you will find you....or you will find it:) and not holding onto the control of it all....just letting it be......I think that is the biggest one...and the one that has freed me the most the last three the letting go of so much.....and of all of it....just leaning back and trusting it all....and it is SO MUCH Just so much easier to know that if a door opens it is yours.....if not then it isn't.......that we can't control how others treat us....just how we show up in our stories....that our focus can only be on that and letting go of the rest.....just surrender, surrender, surrender....and it has become a barometer of sorts for me.....because if I start to feel upset or get down it is normally a result of not implementing surrender......and when I catch myself, and lay it down, and surrender it....peace finds me nearly immediately....every time:) Surrender is not is not giving is a gift we can give that comes bearing wisdom and today I am adding that affirmation piece to the rest of what I do, and seeing the places it will take me! Have a great Saturday y'all:)

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