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There is no such thing......

My whole life I believed that it wasn't a good idea to get too invested in anything.....or get my hopes up too high......or count my chickens before they hatch for fear of disappointment......but that is all There is no such thing as disappointment if you don't attach to the outcomes in your life......attach to your journey.....trusting if it is to be yours, it will be......and if not then really is that simple.....and you know what it is the belief in what you want that fuels its need to go all in.....believe in toward it......go far out there, and watch it come into your experience.....I guess what brought it up for me is the contest I am in......I don't feel like if I were not to win, it would crush me because I trust it so much.....the process.....the destined position in it all, leaving me free to be super excited about go after it, without fear of the other side! AND that feels yes it is OK to get your hopes put yourself in that space each and every day, where your dreams take center stage, and the world around you is yours for the taking.....I am learning to attach to the journey of my life......without worrying about what isn't and trusting in what will be and IS......and it makes everything more exciting and magical.......I work hard for the things I want in life too.....consistently every single day, choosing things that will give me a better chance for the life I want! And doing so helps stuff open up......I truly believe with all my heart that when you spend time imagining and visualizing your dreams with consistency, those dreams will find you......that much of the world we live in is created in our minds.....and that we have more power than we believe in what comes our way.....and I am learning better how to harness some of that and what meditation and visualization will help me do just that......on repeat! We need to examine those beliefs we carry into our lives that no longer serve us.......or that we don't even believe anymore.....we have a ton that come with us in these lives.....from our childhoods......from all the people that have influenced us.....whispering things in our ears as if they are truth.......and some just aren' I am counting my chickens before they hatch! lol:). I am betting on ME in this contest, and I am excited for the outcome! Knowing that whatever happens will be amazing and for my greater good! I am also betting on my kitchen getting done! ;-) Happy Sunday!!!!!!:)

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