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The wound and the wounded........

Yesterday's weather though!!!! It was so beautiful......and I had decided that Stokes would be the best place I could think of, to revel in the goodness! And I was not wrong;-) I love that waterfall and the creek that runs alongside the trail most of the also has that soft underbelly to walk walking on a is so cool that we live in a place where the woods all look different, depending upon where you go:) So I did that, I also deep cleaned Madeline's room.....which was a lot less fun than And I got to speak to my astrology friend......clearing up some Pluto stuff....Pluto has also been present in my transformation through the fallout and till now......perhaps partly responsible for the transformation that has found my life already......and we talked a lot about a lot of possibilities up ahead based on the transits that lie fun one is in the beginning of looks promising that love could an unexpected sorta way based on the planets....Venus is hanging with me for four months from June to September in a place in my chart that speaks to those I suppose we shall see;-) but there were some other heavier things we talked chart carries some indication that my road is tougher than most......and I certainly have had my fair share in this life......and it doesn't scare me to think of that....of what could come in the remainder of my life.....because I believe in the power of transmuting and of alchemy, and facing the lessons that come, and no longer living in fear of what may least I try really hard to do that.....and most of the time do a pretty good job........believing in the greater picture....the overall story that my life will be creating.....I also have a solid sun and moon that speaks to ease and beauty and love too.....sort of speaking to it all working out in the end, happily ever after sorta vibe;-) .....and the position of my sun and moon have been responsible for the beauty that has found me in this life strife and challenges have always been balanced by such beauty and so many gifts.....and I get to have a beautiful and rich life too alongside the rest......the position of those two sort of nod to that....and for sure God's grace and blessings abound:) But there is a place in my chart that speaks to a wounded woman's energy......and the wounds I have held there, but that my soul's purpose is to heal other women's wounds.....and it was very clear there in that part of my chart.....and it really spoke to me.....not only because I have felt that so clearly.....that that is now my path.....but because it made me really think.....think about what befalls us.....what seemingly random stuff....but that such power lies in what can be done after......after the impact and the fallout......really in any situation....and that perhaps there really are no accidents....I never have believed that there were.....that divine orchestra right:) where the instruments play.....and come into the music right on cue......and take the story and song into the direction it was always supposed to go.....and yeah it feels like that.....Like lived my first 40 plus years doing a thing.....building a foundation.....toughening up......laying the groundwork.......and then wham....this hit me so hard.....but also broke me wide open.....bringing me deep inside of myself.....deep into despair, where things get quiet and clear.....and helped me hear.....clearly.......what my path take my wounds.....and help the wounded.....and that is what I will seek to do......and it is my privilege to do so:)

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