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The way will appear........

Today's thoughts are in line with yesterdays......a sorta in addition to yesterday vibe;-) Like to be continued lol........7 women have said YES to my series so far and it is so exciting! I am so excited to meet them, and connect, and walk with them some in their is what lights me up and fills me up.....watching people win is like nothing else:) ..........And MY way won't be their way....there are so many ways to a similar result....and I share my story and continue to, in the hopes that it inspires somebody, and gives them hope that it is possible....somehow some way....but I know clearly, it won't be my way.....because we all have our own path.....and my belief has now become that once you make a decision......a real decision.....the powers that be conspire to find that way......I believe that.....I believe that decision....that notion is the launching off point....and then the way a door you didn't see, or a path that was in darkness and is suddenly lit up.....and I never want anybody to see my story and feel discouraged or defeated because they have other barriers that may prevent them from certain things.....that is not my purpose at all.....I want to have my story resonate in the sense, that I am an ordinary woman....finding a very common end to her marriage unfortunately....that made some decisions to craft an outcome all my own.....and find a way to overcome the pain and suffering, in a way that saved me....and helped me find health and happiness at my halfway point:) And I just want that for others so end to others suffering and a chance at some sparkly stuff on the other side:) and it makes me feel passionate to keep being committed to that:) Today I will do my video to continue to promote my series! It begins a week from Monday:) And I feel super energetic in this new year, and inspired, and full throttle lol, so that feels good....I have some more ideas percolating. I also had a friend offer a great deal to my series participants, which I will be sharing with everybody today! So my faith is in the decision we all decision to host this series.....the women making the brave decision to join me.....and the way will unfold beautifully for us all...and it will look different for all of us....and that is such a beautiful thing.... and as I said a few days ago....I truly believe no matter how all helps us move forward......and I love that! If you have been reading and on the fence.....take a leap and join us on the journey! We would love to have you and I would be honored to walk with you some and watch you win:)

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