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The UNIVERSE is cheering me on.......

I have said more than once that I believe with my whole heart I am standing exactly where I am supposed to be in my life.....right in the exact spot, albeit painful and heartbreaking......I often feel as if there is an invisible cord tied to my soul that is pulling me to this beautiful future spot that I can very clearly feel but not see yet......its warmth and inviting vibe keeps me faithful, keeps me hopeful, keeps me committed to walking in my truth. I also believe that the universe had to shove me so hard, so violently, so clearly, so directly out of the way of my marriage for me to let break my marriage in such a way that I would never attempt to pick up those pieces again and put them back together......since my sister's passing I have been very aware of signs that emerge on our path to let us know we are walking in our truth.....they came so often in the days following her departure from the earth.......they brought comfort and faith, hope and light during such a dark time....I have now been getting daily signs from the powers that be guiding me through this as well.....they began happening almost immediately......I am not sure I noticed very much right away but very soon their constant presence and nudging became clear......often they come in number form......many many many 11's right when I am about to break or need extra encouragement, or 333 or 444 or 555, etc etc etc.....but it is nearly constant, particularly the 11's. When I finally realized it was happening so often I looked it up. It said it is your angels, spirit guides, God, the Universe, all sending messages, letting you know you are in touch with your higher self, that you are walking in your truth, your path, and that you are loved and safe and protected. It is a signal to pay attention to what is happening in that moment......a confirmation that you are right where you need to be...... It is such a comforting thought to believe that that is what sure feels that way, and has before the numbers started showing up.......but who knows if it is true....that is one of the beautiful parts of faith, to believe in the things we can't see, only what we feel in our hearts.....I run the risk of sounding hokey in this blog entry, I know that, but I am sharing the truth of what is happening, my experience in the world at this time......I promised to be honest and share it all......I have begun to imagine the messages those signs are bringing to me.....hang on girl this too shall pass, I know that that was horrible but there are better days ahead, we are so proud of you Jenn that was such a terrible thing that just happened, but stay strong, don't let it break you, stick to your truth and who you are, don't get dragged in.... all storms run out of rain.....sometimes I feel like the universe is cheering me on, high-fiving me over a victory, over a place where I overcame an old pattern and paved a new way for myself...where I chose my higher self and didn't give in to my lower urges......I suppose when we are fighting an uphill battle in our lives we have permission to use whatever comes our way to give us solace, peace, understanding, light, some sense, all of it.......Magical things, things that can only be felt by our spirits not tangible to this world......I will continue to appreciate those 11's and be grateful they are there when I need them, and remain hopeful that they are leading me to that beautiful place I feel so completely in my step, one day, one struggle at a time..........

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