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The Universe has its say........

So tonight I was slated to begin my women's series.......6 women attending so far......and instead I am pushing it back till next week.....have a little cold. Don't want to spread my germs.....I tested negative for Covid yesterday but was exposed this past week so hard to say whether it is that or not......if it is it is mild.....and I am grateful for that......but as much as I wanted to get started tonight, and hit the ground running, I am in full acceptance of the fact that it will be next week......defaulting nearly instantly into that peace and plan b.....without the rolling around in the futility of fighting just is......I shared a meme the other day that said "the more you let go the more magical your life becomes," and that is true......the holding on really is the thing.......the thing that brings the suffering and misery......holding on too tightly to things we need to let go of......I have another situation in my life where I am trying to implement that too, to bring peace......the letting go, and falling back, and surrendering is when everything gets quiet......I held onto so much in my old hands so full of those things, and exerting so much effort to do so......having it consume my entire spirit......and creating anxiety......and now that is all gone......whatever comes I accept......whatever flows I follow, and whatever feels too challenging, or feels like I am swimming upstream, I seek to when I realized I needed to push my series back a week.....there was a momentary flash of disappointment......but not for long, and I just immediately trusted the reason......perhaps thinking some other women or another woman will join, and giving them the time to additional week.....or some other reason yet to be determined.......I often find that is the case......trusting the cosmic timetable......God's timing......not forcing my own.....and it isn't always easy.......I am still working on that.......catching myself when I want something to be done or done yesterday;-) Knowing that timing is the divine dance we all live really is everything......and when you are in the flow of that timing, it feels so effortless and easy.....but when you are fighting it, it most definitely feels goal is pretty simple these days.....I seek to be strong when I need to be.......not fighting but going where I need to, and the other times I seek to surrender to my journey......trusting it and trusting the spiritual breadcrumbs, and divine timing of it to that women's series begins next Monday, on the Universe's time not my own;-)

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