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The undercurrent......

I have written about my relatively newfound fascination and understanding of astrology, and how it has helped me in so many ways......the way I see the world....the way I make sense of it all.....but most of all the way I FEEL it.......I love learning more and more about it and it deeply fascinates me, and energy is real, I do not think any of us can dispute that......the collective energy of a room, or a place... of the world.....and of ourselves.....we are little beacons of energy.....and we can feel that all so clearly, as we live our lives, and and feel the people we experience along the way......and the energy and planetary influence has been all over the map lately, both challenging and lovely all at once lol:) Saturday was pure magic, energetically set up to be that way.....I had read and saw all about it before it unfolded, and due to all of the planetary juju that day it sure was:) Tuesday was also lovely for me, the moon and eclipse in a powerful part of my chart related to how I make money, and career stuff, and things opening up into a new chapter......and doing that speaking engagement felt very much like that.......but yesterday......well yesterday was blech, ick, ugh.......all day.....Saturn entering Mercury which challenged communication between so many people......Saturn isn't subtle lol:) And that is how the day shaped of those days where you just want it to be over so you go to bed.......which I did.......and sometimes you get the in between days.....nothing too extreme in any way.....not too lovely.....and not too challenging....and I guess I say all of this to just say that my understanding of it now and how I feel about it, how it deeply resonates with this version of me, helps me not to fight the helps me to accept what comes......trusting it all.....even if it challenging me deeply....knowing that the energy that impacts children......our lives....the collective is divine....and for the greater good somehow.......even if we don't see it that way at the time.....for me it is as if the planetary vibes of the day orchestrate the next right many times I hang onto that.....doing the next 'right" thing in my mind....feeling my way to that.....and trusting that I will know what that is......and you cannot escape the energy that is afoot either.....I have come to understand can't outrun or outsmart the juju of the day....but what you can be conscious about how you are feeling in the day, and try and transmute it to a beneficial place......a higher interpretation if you will......I will give an example......the energy of yesterday was tough......and one way through it would have been to fight your way through it.....verbally or in to conflict and all of it.....or you could sort of retreat and reflect some and get quiet.....meditate......use any tools to navigate it better.....go to bed early lol:) and the week I stained my deck there was a lot of Mars energy and tough energy, lots of conflict energy afoot, but it also lends itself to getting stuff I used the energy for that instead....diving headfirst into letting it all drive me to my completed deck:) I never fear it....I just know that it will require my mindfulness, and intention to navigate the day and get the most out of the energy that shows up! This may all sound hokey to some, and I accept that fully....I really spiritual life and sense of religion and all of it, is vast and wide.....and encompasses so much:) And is for sure individual to me and some of the folks I know:) And I get that it is not for everybody, I understand that:) But the other piece is I follow the nudge of my blog every day too.....what comes to me to type and express and then I let my fingers transport it to my screen, and today this was it:) Today looks to be a better day energetically and I am here for it! I hope you all have a great day:)

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